You blink, and the next thing you know, it’s June! Where did May go to?
You blink, and the next thing you know, it’s June! Where did May go to?
Kudos to Angela Hoover of the Girl Scouts of Hawaii, Kauai, and all the Boy Scouts (Blaze Batoon was camping with Troop 148 at Salt Pond Beach Park for the weekend) for showing up and helping at the Memorial Day observance presented by the Kauai Veterans Council! Kudos to all the keiki at the public schools for making all the lei, and more mahalo to everyone else who took time to remember our veterans!
This is another busy weekend despite the postponement of the 30th Taste of Hawaii — Kumu Hula Kapu Kinimaka-Alquiza of Na Hula o Kaohikukapulani hosts its hoike today at the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort &Spa, with vendors opening at 4 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. for the 6 p.m. showcase demonstrating the accomplishments of the hula students from January until now (kudos on presenting the free hoike preview Wednesday at Kukui Grove Center!).
Marynel Valenzuela, Sha Ali Ahmad and the Kauai Fashion Weekend crew will be hosting a boot camp for the Kauai Film Academy people tonight, and Coach Mac Pigott wraps up the Kauai USA Wrestling spring season Saturday with the final matches at Kauai High School starting with weigh-ins from 4 p.m.
More kudos to Licia McDonald and the Kauai Society of Artists for being able to present the “Kauai Selections” to the Schaefer Portrait Challenge starting Friday at the KSA Gallery.
And don’t forget the free Kids Summer Fest Saturday starting with registration at 9 a.m. at the Kauai Marriott Resort &Beach Club!
Stay safe!
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or