Patti Ornellas of the American Cancer Society (Derek Kawakami said it was National Wear Red Day for cardiovascular disease awareness) was super busy Friday because she was helping at the Get Fit Kauai Worksite Wellness Challenge kickoff (kudos to Bev Brody on the Kaiser Permanente award she won — and thank you, Lori Naone and Karen Silver, on a great launch!) before setting up at Kukui Grove Center (David Sosner and Melissa McFerrin-Warrack were doing site visits between the rain) with a whole bunch of Relay for Life (the first Survivor Social is coming up April 22 at the Poipu Beach Park main pavilion ahead of the Relay for Life on April 28 in Hanapepe).
Patti Ornellas of the American Cancer Society (Derek Kawakami said it was National Wear Red Day for cardiovascular disease awareness) was super busy Friday because she was helping at the Get Fit Kauai Worksite Wellness Challenge kickoff (kudos to Bev Brody on the Kaiser Permanente award she won — and thank you, Lori Naone and Karen Silver, on a great launch!) before setting up at Kukui Grove Center (David Sosner and Melissa McFerrin-Warrack were doing site visits between the rain) with a whole bunch of Relay for Life (the first Survivor Social is coming up April 22 at the Poipu Beach Park main pavilion ahead of the Relay for Life on April 28 in Hanapepe).
Patti is part of the Fely’s Angels team (Uri Martos said they’ve been doing it 11 years in honor of Aunty Fely) and was setting up for Ohana Family Bingo with Chuck and Sharon Lasker (Sharon’s Guildas, the auxiliary arm of Child and Family Service, needs help!).
Meanwhile, Katie Nalesere’s freshwater aquarium (you have to check out the aholehole!) is doing well at “The Ocean Around Us” (Christa McLeod and Kupu Intern Karla Triguero were getting some Hawaiian monk seal education while manning the U.S. Fish and Wildlife exhibit with the seabirds).
Hope your team in the NFL Super Bowl LII won. In the meantime, it’s time to check out the Kauai Interscholastic Federation boys basketball playoffs at the Kauai High School gym starting at 7 p.m.
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