GALLOWAY, N.J. — Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch (GORE’-such) has stressed the need for civil discourse in a college campus speech in which he also explained his judicial philosophy.
GALLOWAY, N.J. — Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch (GORE’-such) has stressed the need for civil discourse in a college campus speech in which he also explained his judicial philosophy.
Gorsuch spoke to students and invited guests at Stockton University in southern New Jersey on Tuesday.
The Supreme Court’s newest justice also drew chuckles with his impression of former Justice Byron White and his characterizations of the rituals of being a new justice.
The speech was sponsored by the William Hughes Center for Public Policy, named after the former New Jersey congressman and U.S. ambassador. Gorsuch is longtime friends with Hughes’ son.
On his judicial philosophy, Gorsuch said the role of judges is to “apply the law as it is, not as they wish it were.”