With sunny skies and good sea conditions, the Kaua’i Hoe Wa’a one- and two-man canoe race’s short course was almost a straight shot down to Hanalei while the long course paddlers had to contend with over a mile of “uphill”
With sunny skies and good sea conditions, the Kaua’i Hoe Wa’a one- and two-man canoe race’s short course was almost a straight shot down to Hanalei while the long course paddlers had to contend with over a mile of “uphill” paddling before the ride down earlier this week.
First in the Open Men’s division of the long course was David Beck flying in a time of 1:14:33.
In close pursuit was Steve Cole in 1:15:49, and Bret Deblin in 1:16:35. Katy Curtis won the Open Women’s division in 1:26:43 followed by Robin Jumper in 1:29:23, and Margie Goodno in 1:30:12.
Paki Vaughan finished the short course first with a sound lead coming in at 54:50. Paul Frazier was second in 58:11, and Leggs Yokotake third in 59:25.
Erin Struxness was first woman finisher in 1:08:15 with Midge Horwood closing in at 1:08:39.
Frankie Hudson came in third in 1:10:48. Even a 77-year-old father of a Kaua’i paddler finished the short course.
Sanoe Ho’okano/Justin Tabalno and Mark Baird/Tom Perry battled it out in the OC-2 division’s long course with Baird and Perry arriving first in just under one minute before Ho’okano and Tabalno.
The short course had three OC-2s with Herbert Kekuawela and his partner coming in first.
The young (15-19) women’s team of Ashlee Fujimoto/Donna Robles overtook the men’s team of Bill Evslin/Steve Gates.
The next race is sponsored again by Kai Kane and Steinlager on Sunday.
The long course will be from Kalihiwai Bay to Makua Beach (Ha’ena Beach Park) and the short course will be from Hanalei Bay to Makua.
Registration for both courses will be at Kalihiwai Bay at 9 a.m.
For more information, contact Tom Bartlett at 826-5503 or mailto:places@hawaiian.net.