• Rip-off season? • Supreme Court has made past mistakes • About that giant Spam musubi… Rip-off season? Well folks it must be the rip off season! Along with gas prices (10 percent higher than even Honolulu) Dog food unless
• Rip-off season?
• Supreme Court has made past mistakes
• About that giant Spam musubi…
Rip-off season?
Well folks it must be the rip off season!
Along with gas prices (10 percent higher than even Honolulu) Dog food unless you got to one of the big box stores… on and on BUT now a really big show.
You’ve seen the adds… call 10-10-collect to save money??? It turns out they charge $6.84 for a minute (or a one minute call). If you dare to take a deep breath and talk 2 minutes the charge is $7.92 and so on.
On phoning the company I got the usual run around (dial 3 for REALLY bummed out) to no avail.
I personally will not pay… there was NO truth in this advertising. So if you dial my office and get a big blank you’ll know why!!!
Gloria McElgunn-Duarte
Supreme Court has made past mistakes
This latest move by the Massachusetts anti-gay marriage folks reminds us of what was done here in Hawaii. When the movement to stop discriminating against same-sex couples came near to passing, Hawai‘i rammed through a CONSTITUTIONAL amendment banning the unions.
This is a blatant violation of the federal constitutional requirement that church be separated from state. The insistence that only people of opposite gender can marry is a totally religious standpoint and therefore the government has no business meddling in this issue. Any state law affecting this is in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. No matter what any current Supreme Court ruling may say. Let us remember the Supreme Court has in past ruled in favor of slavery and segregation laws.
Brent Kincaid
About that giant Spam musubi…
A giant SPAM musubi to benefit the Diabetes Foundation? That’s like having the Marlboro man selling cigarettes to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Tim O’Rourke