• Democratic response Democratic response In Mr. Patt’s “Open Letter to the Democratic Party”, he failed to recognize that there are several democratic parties he was addressing. There is the Republican democratic party, the Democrat democratic party and the Libertarian
• Democratic response
Democratic response
In Mr. Patt’s “Open Letter to the Democratic Party”, he failed to recognize that there are several democratic parties he was addressing. There is the Republican democratic party, the Democrat democratic party and the Libertarian democratic party, to name some of the more active ones.
He also failed to recognize that the democratic process worked. The “wisdom of the people” has spoken, and the path taken is the best for the Country at this time.
Until Mr. Patt makes himself more aware of the democratic process, I suggest that his “two cents” is over inflated, and that he doesn’t have a “red, white and blue” anything to kiss.
Joe Polacky