• Missing the mark • Kudos to Hunt • FCC decision was disappointing • Recommends ‘The Music Man’ Missing the mark Ms. E. Cook, author, in a recent island editorial, professes re-thinking the critical, politically correct (how times have changed
• Missing the mark
• Kudos to Hunt
• FCC decision was disappointing
• Recommends ‘The Music Man’
Missing the mark
Ms. E. Cook, author, in a recent island editorial, professes re-thinking the critical, politically correct (how times have changed here) view of U.S. culpability in the Hawaiian sovereignty issue after learning that a) there was corruption in the Hawaiian Kingdom and b) missionary pioneers in Hawaii were not negative influences-two public items that spark my personal interest.
Her repugnance to corruption and her non-mention of the “Bayonet” Constitution and its resultant civil unrest notwithstanding, Ms. Cook gives neither legal nor moral justification for U.S. intervention and subsequent occupation of Hawai’i, a recognized independent nation-state.
Regarding the missionary impact on Hawai’i, they came “to do well”, and perhaps they did, yet their offspring did damnably well (sic). I wonder if in her book she discusses academically the implications of cultural assimilation on indigenous people.
But alas, perhaps my idealistic enthusiasm is not warranted, as it turns out she was enlisted (hired) by the Smith family to do the book. Go figure.
Her blatant statement that Hawai’i is so much better off for the 1893 debacle might belie the sentiments of those idealistic Christian pioneers, I daresay, as her foreign-policy morals miss the mark as well.
Michael Locey
Kudos to Hunt
Three cheers for Steven Hunt for exposing Ohana Kauai and their self-serving Charter Amendment. Why haven’t we heard from our elected officials and other community leaders on this issue? The only elected official I know of who has taken a public position against the amendment is JoAnn Yukimura. Where do the others, especially those who are running for office in 2004, stand? We are waiting to hear from you.
Linda Estes
FCC decision was disappointing
I am very disappointed in a recent decision of the Federal Communications Commission in approving the use of the “F” word for use on any TV show or radio program, ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT. The use of words like that are degrading and offensive.
The FCC has the responsibility of enforcing what constitutes decency on our nation’s airwaves. Why have they failed the American people in this responsibility? To whom is the FCC accountable?
Thanks for letting me air my frustrations.
Bob Sowdon
‘The Music Man’
I attended the Sunday matinee of The Music Man and was amazed at the quality of the production. The musical, a joint production of the Hawaii Children’s Theatre and the Kauai Community Players, has a large cast of talented singers and dancers. It is truly amazing to find so much talent on a small island. The director, Arnold Meister, knows how to elicit the best from his cast.
Mary Mower beautifully choreographed the production. From cartwheeling students in a library scene to an ice cream sociable dance, the choreography was delightful.
The costumes and scenery were also beautifully done. Fredan Alfonso’s portrayal of the dashing and charismatic con man is truly engaging. Mary Mower, who plays the leading lady, has a beautiful voice. There were in fact so many outstanding performances it’s difficult to mention them all. I highly recommend the production.
Mona Clark