• Kapa’a businesses back the bike path • Open letter to the people of Kaua’i Kapa’a businesses back the bike path The Board of Directors of the Kapa’a Business Association (KBA) stands in strong support of the multi-purpose path the
• Kapa’a businesses back the bike path
• Open letter to the people of Kaua’i
Kapa’a businesses back the bike path
The Board of Directors of the Kapa’a Business Association (KBA) stands in strong support of the multi-purpose path the County is proposing to develop in the Kapa’a corridor that will eventually run from Kealia/Anahola to the Nawiliwili area. This exciting concept brings opportunities to our communities by giving residents and visitors options of staying in their cars or using this scenic path for recreation or to commute to work.
Among the many positives of this project is the favorable climate it will provide for economic development from Kealia to Lihu’e. It will also enhance the visitor experience of discovering Kaua’i from a different perspective. This coastal trail will also provide families with a safe area for recreation and appreciation of the outdoors. It can also provide our senior citizens with a less congested area for walking so they can combine exercise and errands or shopping without getting into their cars.
The County of Kaua’i and the administrations of Mayor Kusaka and Mayor Baptiste should be commended for thinking outside-of-the-box to create another reason for people to get out of their cars. The bike paths are taking less time to design, develop and construct than any road system on Kaua’i. While we do not advocate abandoning the need for addressing the grid-lock situation in the Kapa’a-Wailua area, we are in favor of providing as many options as possible to the public.
Richard Jasper, President
Kapa’a Business Association
Open letter to the people of Kaua’i
As President of Damien Memorial School on Oahu I’d like to personally thank all the people of Kauai for the aloha shown to our school ‘ohana, especially our football team on Friday, Nov. 28th.
Damien played Waimea at Vidinha Stadium in a wonderfully played high school game that epitomized all that sports is supposed to be. It was a close game which either team could have won. The sportsmanship shown was terrific.
But, the main reason I write this open letter is not to talk about the game but to thank the entire population of Kauai for opening its collective heart and showing what aloha is all about.
The administrations of both Waimea High School and Kauai High School could not have been more helpful. Clearly, we had little time to prepare for the neighbor island trip. We had to arrange for rooms, food, buses, etc. At every step we were offered assistance, and offered it most graciously. All during the week, the Damien athletic director kept coming to my office to let me in on the latest act of kindness coming out of Kauai.
From the moment we arrived, from the rental car agent who gave me a complimentary upgrade as a welcoming gift, to the hotel and restaurant personnel, to the stadium officials, we were treated like visiting royalty.
For many of our students this was their first time to Kauai. They felt so welcome that they asked me to add their thanks to mine. I’m reluctant to name specific individuals because I’ll likely forget someone, and that would be terrible. Suffice it to say, the entire experience was so wholesome for our young students and their families that I couldn’t let it go by without expressing my thanks to all on Kauai.
If any of my mainland friends want to know about aloha I can tell them it’s alive and well and living on the Garden Island of Kauai. God bless all of you.
Brother Greg
O’Donnell, CFC
President and CEO
Damien Memorial School