• Kusaka did much for water safety • Parents, take note Kusaka did much for water safety I am a friend and admirer of Mr. Mickens, but in his letter (to the Forum on Dec. 9) he omitted mentioning the
• Kusaka did much for water safety
• Parents, take note
Kusaka did much for water safety
I am a friend and admirer of Mr. Mickens, but in his letter (to the Forum on Dec. 9) he omitted mentioning the very important accomplishments of Mrs. Kusaka’s administration, and in particular her accomplishment in the area of Water Safety. I won’t belabor the details, but suffice it to say that under her administration, and despite the challenging constraints of a rural county’s limited budget, water safety rose from being a pitifully understaffed and under-equipped division to being a most respectable and professional one. (There is, I need to add, considerably more that needs to be accomplished before it can be called excellent, and our task force is always trying to guide our politicians, county and state, towards supporting this worthy goal).
We obviously can’t put a number on how many drownings/family catastrophies have been averted by Mrs. Kusaka’s bold policies and accomplishments in this area, but we can say that no matter the outcome of her future political aspirations, she can sleep easily knowing of the people who are alive and with their families because of her actions.
Monty Downs, M.D.
Co-Chair, Kauai Water Safety Task Force
Parents, take note
To the parents/guardians of public-school students in grades 6-12:
Your child should have recently brought home a form called Non-Disclosure of Directory Information. You may have missed the section at the bottom of the form entitled Release of Information to Military Recruiters.
That section states that under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, schools receiving NCLB funds are mandated to provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of secondary-school students to military recruiters upon their request, unless the parents request that such information not be released.
Please take the time to consider this section carefully. If you do nothing, military recruiters may contact your child. If you sign it, check the appropriate choice, and return it to the school, you can prevent military recruiters from contacting your child.
Tracy Murakami
A concerned mom