Through Dec. 24, the Misa De Gallo, or “Mass of the chicken” because the service usually starts before the chickens start crowing, continues this week. The Mass services are being held at each parish on Kaua‘i. The Misa de Gallo
Through Dec. 24, the Misa De Gallo, or “Mass of the chicken” because the service usually starts before the chickens start crowing, continues this week.
The Mass services are being held at each parish on Kaua‘i.
The Misa de Gallo has been practiced in Europe and was historically known as Misa Aurea, also called “Golden Mass” or “Mass of the Angels,” and celebrated on the nine days before Christmas. This celebration became part of the Filipino religious tradition in the 17th century.
Filipinos, who began their workdays as early as possible to avoid the tropical heat and humidity, would attend the Mass at about 4 a.m. when roosters started crowing to announce the coming of a new day.