An additional 100 eyes, at least, are now on the lookout for trouble on Kaua’i roadways. Employees of the Kaua’i Department of Water have joined the McGruff truck program, named for the crime-biting dog. Around 50 DOW vehicles now sport
An additional 100 eyes, at least, are now on the lookout for trouble on Kaua’i roadways.
Employees of the Kaua’i Department of Water have joined the McGruff truck program, named for the crime-biting dog.
Around 50 DOW vehicles now sport the McGruff logos, joining other utilities companies like Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative, Verizon, Oceanic Time Warner Cable and The Gas Company whose employees participate in the roadside help program.
McGruff truck drivers are trained to call for help when flagged down by a person needing emergency assistance.
Since the program began in 1988, there have been numerous reported incidents in which children and adults have been provided assistance by McGruff truck drivers.
“We are pleased to be a part of the McGruff truck program,” said Kymm Solchaga, DOW spokesperson.
“We want to be more than a public utility. We believe in the safety of our young children, and we want to take an active role in the community we serve by ensuring neighborhood safety,” she said.
A McGruff truck is a utility or cable vehicle that is identified by the participating company’s logo and the McGruff truck decals located on front and rear sections of the vehicle.
McGruff truck drivers are trained to call for appropriate assistance for children and adults in emergency situations.
If you need help and see a McGruff truck on the street, signal the driver by waving both arms above your head and yelling “help,” she explained.
If you want to say “hello” to a McGruff truck driver, use one hand to wave. This way, a casual wave will not be mistaken as a request for help.
Wait for the McGruff truck driver to approach you. The McGruff truck driver will call for help, and stay with you until help arrives.
McGruff truck drivers are expected to stop when signaled, and go to the child or adult; find out what the problem is; reassure the child or adult; call the dispatcher or 911; stay with the child or adult until help arrives; and complete and file a McGruff truck incident report.
A McGruff truck driver does not administer first aid, unless in extreme emergencies and if otherwise qualified; administer medicines of any kind; provide transportation or place the child or adult in the vehicle; act as a peacekeeper or law-enforcement officer; make guarantees of a child’s safety; approach a child unless he or she clearly is in trouble.
The McGruff truck program is a statewide partnership between the state Department of the Attorney General and utility and cable companies.
For additional information regarding the McGruff truck program, please call the DOW public relations office, 245-5455.