• STATE OF THE PRESIDENT Mr. Bush’s bottom 10 STATE OF THE PRESIDENT Mr. Bush’s bottom 10 ON THE ASSUMPTION that sometimes you can tell more about a presidency by what a president doesn’t put in the State of the
• STATE OF THE PRESIDENT Mr. Bush’s bottom 10
STATE OF THE PRESIDENT Mr. Bush’s bottom 10
ON THE ASSUMPTION that sometimes you can tell more about a presidency by what a president doesn’t put in the State of the Union speech than what he does, here are the Top 10 facts and issues that President George W. Bush neglected to mention in this year’s speech.
10. The budget deficit will probably reach $500 billion, a record.
9. Some 2.5 million jobs have been lost, also a record.
8. Forget overtime pay. The administration is about to take overtime pay out of the pockets of 8 million low-level white collar workers – paralegals, emergency medical technicians, licensed practical nurses, certain secretaries, draftsmen, surveyors, lab technicians and others.
7. More than 500 American troops have been killed in Iraq. More than 2,000 have been wounded.
6. That Medicare drug benefit? It doesn’t allow the government to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors.
5. Any mention of the following items in last year’s State of the Union speech: 25,000 liters of anthrax; 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin; 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve gas; or those 16 words about uranium from Niger.
4. The actual size of Norway’s contribution to the Iraq “coalition”: 104 engineers.
3. That North Korea responded to his “axis of evil” threat by reprocessing spent fuel rods to make more nuclear bombs.
2. The environment – any part of it.
1. Osama bin whatshisname.