• Dr. Van Cleave • Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way! • PMRF Dr. Van Cleave I am appalled by the accusations against Jon Van Cleave written up in the Garden Island. What is this world coming to
• Dr. Van Cleave
• Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way!
Dr. Van Cleave
I am appalled by the accusations against Jon Van Cleave written up in the Garden Island. What is this world coming to when lawsuits and blasphemy are an everyday occurrence?
I have been a patient of Jon VanCleave for over two years. After having been to many doctors for my continuing chronic medical issues, never have I found a doctor with such perseverance and faith that my prayers could be answered and good health regained.
The man has integrity, manners, professionalism, expertise, compassion, wisdom and knowledge in dealing with the issues we confronted. Jon Van Cleave goes beyond the call of duty in caring for his patients. I will forever be in gratitude to this doctor, who I would bet my life, which I have been so desperately fighting to regain, is innocent of the charges against him.
Let truth prevail….
Andrea Cronrod
Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way!
You are all in denial. Either that or just plain blind and stupid. Can’t you see that politics affects every aspect of your lives, especially your pocketbooks. Are you all just spoiled greedy consumers who will continue to make excuses for doing nothing to stop the ruination of this island and this world?
Are you really going to allow rich haoles to buy up this place while your children will never be able to purchase a home or a precious piece of land? Do you really want a future where most jobs will be menial service/tourist jobs which don’t pay enough to live here, much less ever buy a home?
Are you going to continue to elect representatives who do nothing to improve the quality of your lives? The answer, sadly, is probably yes to all of the above! I hope I make you mad! Mad enough to do something! But, what can we do they ask? First, just think about what kind of a life you want for your children.Talk to your family about it.
Next, walk next door and talk to your neighbor about what you can do together to improve your lives and the neighborhood. If that works, talk to two more neighbors.Then, two more. Maybe you can car pool to save gas money.
Maybe you can plant a garden to save on food costs. Maybe, you will just get to know your neighbors! Do SOMETHING! The people running YOUR government are not going to do anything for you. To think anything else is a triumph of hope over experience. YOU have the power. You always did. But, you have to get together in large numbers and USE your power. Otherwise, you will continue to be slaves to money interests and your own addiction to consumerism.
Michael Wells
Thank you TGI for Tom Finnegan’s feature article on the PMRF land request of the DLNR. It is a vital issue to Kauai.
The PMRF representatives were nearly driven from the podium at public hearing on November 13, 2003 when they presented their 6,000 acres “Passive-Encroachment Buffer” request of the DLNR. Since then the Navy has put it’s best PR flacks on the case and have renamed their attempt at controlling the westside the “Agriculture Preservation Initiative”. Doesn’t that sound bucolic?
The PMRF’s chief PR rep Jeff Davis said “Its goal has not changed”. Either the Navy is naive or thinks we are. By renaming the proposal they have accomplished nothing. By stating they want perpetual agricultural use throughout the Mana Plain (other than their military use), they are being unrealistic or obscuring the truth. About the only profitable agriculture on the Mana Plain today is genetic experimentation on corn. Whoopee!
The PMRF request will give the Navy control over the gates and effluent from the Mana Plain through the Nohili Ditch. This is a great scheme for the GMO agbiz to hide the future runoff of chemicals and genetically modified organisms that head for the coral reefs offshore after they leave Sygen’s, Dupont’s and 3M’s experimental fields. Let’s simply have the Navy control it and label the whole area a TERRORIST SECURITY BUFFER ZONE. That will keep the environementalists nose out of the business of agbiz. Just blame it on 9-11.
If you want to know what PR flacks do read this from the Navy (2/5/2004 TGI),
“Having this small leased buffer around PMRF would allow for new construction within the current confines of the base.” the release stated. “Contrary to what some may believe, the purpose of this small leased area is not to expand the base. The only building the Navy plans to construct in this leased area is a small visitors’ center that will allow visitors to receive passes prior to driving onto the base.”
This is written in George Orwell’s “1984” Newspeak. You remember Newspeak? “War is Peace”, “Love is Hate”. Translated the Navy statement means this.
“We are expanding the base size so that we can build more buildings. One will be a security building to screen local people and keep them off the base.”
Ed Case has stated “I personally believe the military has not clearly explained its wishes for the agricultural land surrounding the base, which only complicates the situation”. And I have been told by Gary Hooser that the Navy has “big” plans for the westside of Kauai. It’s obvious why the PMRF wants to avoid telling us about them.
If you are interested in this issue, don’t miss the Mayor’s Ka Leo O Kauai community meeting in Kekaha Tuesday 24 February 7pm at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center.
The priority of Beach Access will be a focal point.
Juan Wilson