Brian Yamase, First Hawaiian Bank Kaua‘i southwest area manager; Leland Kahawai, northeast area manager; and Renette Gaspar, Princeville branch manager, were named to the Chairman’s Council by First Hawaiian Bank Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Walter A. Dods, Jr. They
Brian Yamase, First Hawaiian Bank Kaua‘i southwest area manager; Leland Kahawai, northeast area manager; and Renette Gaspar, Princeville branch manager, were named to the Chairman’s Council by First Hawaiian Bank Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Walter A. Dods, Jr.
They will participate in the Chairman’s Council Retreat at The Chateaux at Silver Lake in Deer Valley, Utah, based on outstanding 2003 performances, a bank spokesman said.
Thomas Canute, Koloa branch manager; Joyce Vidinha, Lihu‘e branch personal banker; and Frank Turonis, Princeville branch customer service representative, were named to the 2003 President’s Club by bank President Don Horner. They will attend a success retreat at O‘ahu’s Turtle Bay Resort.
Top customer-service representatives for 2003 were Turonis; Leane Aguinaldo-Medeiros of Lihu‘e branch; Kris Frey of Lihu‘e branch; and Sybil Blackstad, Koloa branch. Top tellers were Denise Tamura, Lihu‘e; Cheryl Wong, Kapa‘a; Yu-Sie Page, Kapa‘a; Rachel Kishida, ‘Ele‘ele; Ruth Tanaka, Kukui Grove; and Janise Gusman, Princeville.
Top personal bankers were Vidinha, northeast area, and Canute, southwest area. Mike Murakoshi, senior vice president and Kaua‘i region manager, said six Kaua‘i branches successfully met the bank’s performance targets to qualify for branch bonuses during each of the four quarters of 2003: Princeville, Koloa, Waimea, Lihu‘e, ‘Ele‘ele and Kukui Grove.