“Books for Newborns” is one part of a literacy program hosted by the Hawai‘i Association for Family and Community Education (FCE). The literacy program was celebrated during the National Day of the Family earlier this year at which time the
“Books for Newborns” is one part of a literacy program hosted by the Hawai‘i Association for Family and Community Education (FCE).
The literacy program was celebrated during the National Day of the Family earlier this year at which time the Kaua‘i FCE announced that they had donated a total of 83 new books.
Book distribution was spread out between the Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital’s “Books for Newborns” program as well as presentations to the Child and Family Service to be used with the Healthy Start Program.
Books were also presented to the Kaua‘i Baby Book Club whose focus is to present a new books and a packet of information to parents of newborns.
Parents of newborns are encouraged to call Borders Books and Music for information on receiving a new book.
The Hawai‘i Association for Family and Community Education is a non-profit education organization made up of volunteers throughout the island.
The FCE parent organization, the National Association for Family and Community Education (NAFCE), celebrates the National Day of the Family with a literacy promotion in March.