At least a half dozen shoji screens that previously surrounded the Buddha Hall at Kauai Soto Zen Temple Zenshuji in Hanapepe got thrashed during Saturday night’s high-wind event. Each screen costs around $1,000, and temple leaders and members don’t have
At least a half dozen shoji screens that previously surrounded the Buddha Hall at Kauai Soto Zen Temple Zenshuji in Hanapepe got thrashed during Saturday night’s high-wind event.
Each screen costs around $1,000, and temple leaders and members don’t have funds necessary to replace the screens, they said.
“Financial setbacks like this one are not easy for the temple to handle, especially considering that most of the elderly members receive several hundred dollars a month from the McBryde Sugar plantation days as their pension,” a temple spokesman said.
“Funds raised from bon dance and mochi sales are vital in order to meet normal expenses, and unforeseen developments such as property damage are just not within the budget,” he said.
Very high winds accompanied by heavy rain destroyed half of the shoji screens that enclose the Buddha Hall. “Our initial objective is to secure the building with plywood. The insurance company will have to come and assess the damage,” he said.
“We will then make a decision about the most effective and economic way to replace the screens. We have begun to explore alternative solutions,” he said.
“Regardless of what approach we take to repair the damage, we will need financial assistance. Extraordinary developments such as this one are simply not within our means,” he said.
“While so many of us have taken great joy in the recent centennial celebrations, this present situation is a reminder that Zenshuji will need our help in order to continue its role in your lives and in the community. “The Buddha Hall and columbarium are the heart and soul of this temple, and we need to keep this building strong and secure for years to come,” he said. “Any contributions are welcome, and we bow in deep gassho for your support.”
For more information, please call 335-3521.