• Letter wasn’t about speeding Letter wasn’t about speeding I would like to respond to the recent criticism by Juan Wilson on 11/27 of a letter of mine. Juan states “one can assume” that “Eric’s driving strategy amounts to driving
• Letter wasn’t about speeding
Letter wasn’t about speeding
I would like to respond to the recent criticism by Juan Wilson on 11/27 of a letter of mine. Juan states “one can assume” that “Eric’s driving strategy amounts to driving as fast as possible.” I do not know how tall Juan is, but my comments went over his head. In my letter on 11/25 which he quoted, I did not mention anything about speeding. I do not know how Juan made this false assumption, but it has nothing to do with my letter. I drive a reasonable speed and have never been issued a traffic citation. Anyone who would like to verify this is welcome to.
The main idea of my letter was to suggest that slower drivers should pull over to the side of the road to be courteous to other drivers. When I am driving and a driver who is speeding pulls up behind me, I pull over. If they want to speed, fine, they can earn a traffic citation. Let the police enforce the traffic laws.
While I am on the subject of the police, some drivers decide it is their responsibility to enforce traffic laws. They drive slower than the speed limit, disrupting the normal flow of traffic, so they can feel like they have some type of authority. No one should pretend to be a police officer. If anyone would like to be a real police officer, please contact the Kaua’i Police Department.
In Juan’s false assumption he also stated that I am “immature, selfish, and shortsighted.” Anyone who knows me would disagree. After reading Juan’s letter it appears these statements may have a lot more to do with himself than anyone else. In the future, Juan, do not assume anything and try to be tactful, if possible.
And a reminder to everyone from my first letter, “Please drive carefully.”