• Enough is enough • Loving Kaua‘i to death • Open letter to President Bush • Vacation a strike busting ploy? Enough is enough While stranded again in creeping Kapa‘a traffic and fighting road rage, I came upon a solution
• Enough is enough
• Loving Kaua‘i to death
• Open letter to President Bush
• Vacation a strike busting ploy?
Enough is enough
While stranded again in creeping Kapa‘a traffic and fighting road rage, I came upon a solution to our problems. (Maybe your issue is too high taxes or unaffordable housing; the solution is the same)
Hold those accountable who have spent years creating the problems. Election time is approaching. Campaigning is in full swing. Too many of those running are the people who have spent years, 10, 15, 20 years, of “service” to the county or state, creating the big problems we live with. They are nice people. I’m sure they have tried their best but failed again, and again, and again. And yet, you can count on these same people to tout their “experience” as a reason to elect them, so they can keep doing it to us.
My bi-partisan suggestion is that we give our votes for county and state offices to those who don’t have a track record of failing to solve our biggest problems. If in doubt, just ask them how many years they have been at it. Don’t vote for any candidate who has served more than five years. A set of fresh faces will be elected knowing what their highest priorities should be and the consequences of failure. On the other hand, if we voters elect the same old faces, expect them to keep failing and we’ll keep being punished.
Loving Kaua‘i to death
The Hawaii Tourism Authority is asking for public comment by Aug. 16 on their strategic plan for 2006-2015 at kauai.smshawaii.biz, or by calling (877) 535-5767 for more information. The plan seems to be to increase visitor numbers while also noting that with the current high employment numbers we may not have enough future tourist industry workers to staff these future jobs and we might also need more worker housing.
Besides the possibility of importing future workers and even more construction for worker housing, we still have the main issues which are not not going away any time soon. We are in serious trouble if anyone thinks we can continue to promote tourism beyond current levels without first addressing our current lack of infrastructure. Visitor levels need to be reduced until we are able to handle the current traffic impact, tour impacts, unauthorized helicopter landings and noise, and the surges off the cruise ships as the masses take over until the last call for their boat shuttles.
Unfortunately, there is simply no ecological mitigation as swarms of visitors and residents tramp or fly all over these islands. We are all loving Kaua‘i to death. Can we stop with the dollar signs and start trying to save what is left? Is anyone listening?
Open letter to President Bush
I am not political, but I am a citizen — a human being.
Time to register my view, as a citizen:
Cease fire.
Israel is destroying a nation.
Cease fire immediately.
I do not endorse the USA backing Israel in this massacre and destruction.
I am not against Israel as a nation, but this behavior is inhumane.
They are annihilating — in an ancient, outdated, primitive, reactionary, anachronistically inappropriate method, which involves:
Remember that? Of course we do.
We must learn how to live in the same world effectively with Islamic nations.
We need a ‘partnership with Islam’ or ‘a partnership with Iraq.’
The Iraqi people are disillusioned. You are losing ground. They are demonstrating. Burning flags.
They are 100,000 (?) in force, demonstrating for Hezbollah?
It is not a good message to find American bombs coming from Israel, as it is just as telling to find Syrian and Iranian bombs coming from those countries.
All of those countries must come together, with rich Saudi Arabia, and all the Islamic nations to find peace for their people, and reach an equilibrium with the Western cultures and nations who are at this point seemingly “forcing” democracy on them, even if they may not particularly want a government like that. I don’t know.
But I feel it is not right to categorically annihilate anything in proximity to a terrorist enclave, and destroy a whole country because they have a radical faction within their boundaries.
Because within those terrorists are people, probably trained from birth, to revel in the emotionally charged mission of annihilating Israel and dying a martyr, if necessary, and with honor.
It is genocide.
You must stop this ironic destruction of lives and country and belief.
Titus the Emperor tried to annihilate the Jewish People, not the Palestinians. The Palestinians AND the Jewish People need to realize this.
The UN, the world must stop this. Don’t back Israel. Don’t back Palestinians. Don’t back anything except cessation of carnage and death.
Vacation a strike busting ploy?
What a heartless slap in the face to the nursing negotiating team, nurses and patients at Wilcox.
Mr. Chuck Heibs, spokesperson, states that he is taking a two-week vacation. I am sure he will say that he had already planned to take two weeks at this time. When his number one priority should be to end the strike. I can tell you from experience — B.S., and that don’t stand for Baloney Sandwich. It is a corporate play to bust the strike. He could care less about the nurses that are on the line or the patients that are in need of care. I think the community should get behind these hard working nurses and support them in everyway possible. If this ploy succeeds who will be next?
Maybe the union can make his two weeks off uncomfortable, phone calls, e-mails, etc. Keep this in mind — he didn’t even have the courtesy to tell you in person that he was taking a two-week vacation.
- Thomas L. Giusto
Pacifica, Calif.