• To a quiet hero • We want the track back • Coco Palms fitness plan needs attention To a quiet hero Daniel Saylor … wow … the strength of a good soul. What instilled admirable courage and faith has
• To a quiet hero
• We want the track back
• Coco Palms fitness plan needs attention
To a quiet hero
Daniel Saylor … wow … the strength of a good soul.
What instilled admirable courage and faith has he. I am so impressed and touched by his rescue. Kudos a thousand times over.
Tiffany Woodard
We want the track back
Wailua motocross track has been home away from home to our family since 1994 — providing a healthy outlet for structured activity and family time. It’s been successfully operated by Kip Fuerugon on behalf of Kauai Motorcycle Racing Association, a non-profit organization for many years now.
This track has functioned only because of the elected officers and other dedicated members: Kip, along with his wife, Leilani, John Bostick, Jeff and Marie Berry, Damon Summers, the Bryram Family (Northshore Motorcycles), Paul Medeiros and a number of others who have selflessly volunteered time, money, machinery and sweat to keep this track open and operating a half dozen races a year which, in turn, provide a healthy outlet and activity for our island youth.
Our family has been members since 1994 with our youngest son, Jesse, being one of the current top riders in the state. He is about to take off for Florida again to work the race circuit and it’s thanks to having this track available to ride on while he is here for practice.
Because a small minority of track members were dissatisfied with the current operation (and obviously trying to stage a coup) they went to the county and now the track has been closed. Why this minority, who does not even hold elected office with KMRA, were allowed to have this power is a mystery to us all. The support from KRMA riders was evident at the meeting held earlier this week — there was everyone from small keiki riders to what we gracefully call the “masters” (i.e. the old farts) and everyone in between. There was no support seen at this meeting for the faction who has caused this conflict.
Wailua MX track provides a destination and outlet for family fun, exercise and the real possibility of excelling at a very exciting sport which is getting more and more recognition worldwide.
I hope that the county does everything in its power to reopen this track as quickly as possible cutting through any and all red tape. Without Wailua MX track, there is absolutely no place for the hundreds of riders on Kaua‘i to practice their sport legally — this is not like bicycles that you can ride anywhere. Meanwhile we thank Kip and the rest of the gang for all they have done, hang in there and we look forward to seeing you at the track soon.
Robert and Petrina Brit
Coco Palms fitness plan needs attention
Three years ago Coco Palms, LLC came before the Kaua‘i Planning Commission with a design plan that goes far beyond the footprint and density of the original Coco Palms. The burden that this will impose on residents remains to be seen and will contribute to the cumulative impacts on our infrastructure and quality of life.
Now, three years later, Coco Palms is pushing the envelope again at a time when the county still does not have a long-range plan in place and our infrastructure is suffering from rapid development. Their proposal for an expansive Fitness Center complex should have been part of the design plan three years ago. Now, it is very suspect, being brought before the commission after the fact.
The plan is excessive. They want a lap pool, plunge pool, steam room, sauna, gym and weight room, lounge, spa treatment room, couples treatment room, locker room for men, locker room for women, and a reception area pavilion with a logo shop, store and offices. And they want a variance permit so they can exceed the allowable lot coverage by almost three times the size allowed.
The project is sited between the historically significant Wailua Coconut Grove and the Wailua Drainage Canal. It is within the Special Management Area. The zoning is Open District and to maintain a park-like quality, only permitted uses should be allowed.
The Fitness complex will consist of numerous one-story buildings that will spoil the open space feeling and scenic qualities. Fitness and spa treatment facilities are not permitted uses in the Open District. Exceptions should not be made.
I am concerned, as the Planning Commission should be, that 16 feet of vertical fill are required to raise the proposed buildings to meet flood plain requirements. And they propose to use demolition material for fill. Is it known whether asbestos is present in these 50-year-old buildings yet to be torn down? How ludicrous that adjacent to these elevated buildings they will be excavating a lap pool, despite oral histories stating there are burials near the tennis area.
The applicant says that the fitness complex is a needed “amenity” to “stay competitive” as a luxury resort. But they have reduced the hotel unit count from 104 units to 48 hotel units. This reduction will not economically support a fitness center. To be sustainable, it must operate as a separate business.
Another point of concern is that this applicant was two years delinquent in providing an annual status report to the county. They have also failed to submit a petition to the state to include the fishponds into the Hawaii Register of Historic Places. And their promise to the community for land for a cultural center near the old tennis courts has morphed into a new scheme, mauka of the canal, and pending subdivision. Needless to say, all aspects of Coco Palms’ proposed expansion needs careful scrutiny.
There are no clear benefits to the community and no compelling reason to approve the fitness complex. The project does not adequately preserve the historic and cultural importance of the site. Spa amenities and a fitness center is a business use that is not appropriate to the Open Zone District.
The public hearing will continue and community input is encouraged.
Written testimony can be mailed to the Planning Commision at 4444 Rice St., Lihue, 96766 or faxed to 241-6699.
Rayne Regush