• Two conclusions • No need, EIS • Desperately seeking illustrator • Win/lose for consumers Two conclusions Editor’s note: An official KIUC statement attributes the recent power outages, in the Lydgate sector on the Eastside, to lightning. I would like
• Two conclusions
• No need, EIS
• Desperately seeking illustrator
• Win/lose for consumers
Two conclusions
Editor’s note: An official KIUC statement attributes the recent power outages, in the Lydgate sector on the Eastside, to lightning.
I would like to comment on the many recent and, in my opinion, totally inexcusable power outages the people of this island have had to endure, with never a single word of explanation as to why, nor an apology for the inconvenience and disruption of our lives.
After much consideration I have arrived at the following conclusion.
It is either:
? An attempt by one faction or the other within KIUC to influence the upcoming election.
? It’s gross incompetence.
In which case we should start with the top official of KIUC and work our way down that posh and well-padded ladder until we find someone with some accountability … someone who is willing to take responsibility for actually doing the job they’ve been paid to do.
Anyone on the ladder above that person should be fired. Perhaps the action of pounding shoe leather on pavement looking for a new job would instill in them that age-old (and almost forgotten) concept of a work ethic.
We have the highest utility rates in the entire country so one would think they could keep the power flowing.
What do you think, Kaua‘i?
A or B?
I am just disgusted.
Kay Obloy
No need, EIS
Dear Sen. Gary Hooser,
As constituents, my wife and I strongly urge you to drop the idea of requiring an EIS for the Superferry. We want the Superferry for reasons outlined below. We also want it to be safe from an environmental standpoint. An EIS is an unnecessary and clumsy mechanism to achieve the latter. Most of the environmental concerns regarding the Superferry have been identified and mitigation steps are being taken. If other real problems surface, they will be recognized and can be dealt with. Requiring an EIS will slow that process and not improve it.
As a businessman you must recognize that the delay inherent in an EIS may well kill the Superferry. Huge capital investments have been made and must be paid off.
By placing the Superferry in service and generating revenue. Otherwise, the investors may well go bankrupt and the Superferry will die.
We want the Superferry for a variety of reasons. Not the least is to help keep air fares down, which may surprise many. The current low interisland air fares are not sustainable. When the fare wars end, the wounded survivor or survivors will need to cover their losses. Competition from the Superferry will help keep air fare increases within bounds.
We want the convenience of the Superferry. We like the idea of taking our own vehicle on shopping expeditions and avoiding all the hassle of shipping things back here to Kaua‘i. We like the idea of taking vacation trips to other islands and being able to bring our dogs along instead of arranging for sitters. As the second vessel is put in service we hope the schedule will make day trips to Honolulu practical. Assuming the Superferry will dock downtown in Honolulu, it may be very practical to go on shopping trips as a pedestrian, without having to take your vehicle or rent a car.
Dour criticisms of three-hour travel times from Kaua‘i to Honolulu on the Superferry have been made. On the surface, the 27 minute flight time sounds much more attractive. Not so if one considers the time wasters at each end of the trip. If you follow TSA guidelines you need to be at the airport two hours before you board the plane for that short ride.
Yes, in Lihu‘e, you can often gamble on a later arrival at the airport, but best not try that in Honolulu.
Once you land in Honolulu you have to recover your checked luggage, then either rent a car or take the bus.
Tried renting a car at the airport recently?
Unless you are a frequent traveler and a member of one of the No. 1 clubs, it is a slow painful process. Of course, you can speed the process by taking an expensive cab into the city. In contrast, after your three hour ride on the Superferry, you can drive off as soon as it docks.
John A. Love
Desperately seeking illustrator
This is an open letter to those of you on Kaua‘i, my native island, who may remember Patty Henock, the young lady who, in the mid 70s, illustrated a very limited second printing of my first book of “pidgin poetry,” “Chaloookyu Eensai,” (Try Look You Inside).
We are preparing a re-issue of this version, because we recognize Patty’s drawings would make an attractive children’s book, an introduction to Pidgin for children of all ages.
Over the years I have lost track of Patty Henock, yet wish to honor her for her art in this book. She lived on Kaua‘i in 1974-75, and we worked through Kaua‘i Printers in Lihu‘e. If there is anyone out there who could help us locate Patty Henock, we would be grateful for the connection. Our address is: 84-5207 Mamaloa Highway, Captain Cook, 96704.
Jozuf “Bradajo” Hadley
Captain Cook, Big Island
Win/lose for consumers
I have noticed many new products in the Princeville Foodland store of late.
They have expanded their organic foods department as well as added several lines of gourmet foods — offering products not previously available on Kaua‘i. It is obvious that their answer to Costco and a potential Wal-Mart Superstore is to offer service and enhanced choices. We, the consumer, win both ways.
Thank you, Foodland.
On the other hand, the owners of Ishihara’s and Big Save would rather go back to the plantation style of limited choice and minimal service — like the old company store. Unfortunately, our puppet county government seems poised to enact a law to help them keep their monopoly.
Auwe to anyone who would deny free enterprise and choice to enhance the profits of the few. Even if you succeed in blocking Wal-Mart, I know where I will not shop.
Stan Godes