The Kaua’i Children’s Discovery Museum opens the Wyland Clean Water Tour exhibit at 1 p.m. today in the Kukui Grove Center today. The exhibit will be open through Nov. 11. This is the only location in the state that the
The Kaua’i Children’s Discovery Museum opens the Wyland Clean Water Tour exhibit at 1 p.m. today in the Kukui Grove Center today.
The exhibit will be open through Nov. 11. This is the only location in the state that the exhibit is scheduled to visit, according to a recent release.
Developed with a focus on creativity by marine life artist Wyland, the Wyland Clean Water Tour joins the worlds of art and science to demonstrate the importance of water and how it connects us all.
Through exploration, scientific inquiry, artistic expression and action, participants experience the water cycle, understand the science behind water purity, and realize the power each individual has to make a difference. Unlike traditional museum exhibits, the visitor is immersed in the medium as they interact with the curriculum.
The exhibit consists of four main components. Participants can explore a 1,000-square-foot maze/game which transforms each participant into a drop of water entering a watershed. Children can travel through different watershed habitats including lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, bays and oceans. The joy of the maze design is that kids can take many different pathways with each trip providing a different learning experience.
Second, there is a science center where participants can follow the scientific method and conduct their own hands-on investigation of water properties and quality. Third, there is a watershed demonstration during which participants can use an enviroscape to observe how nonpoint source pollution occurs. There is also a huge community mosaic which participants help create.
The maze is designed to be explored by 6- to 12-year-old children. The science stations appeal to children who are 10 and older. The artwork and the photography incorporated in the exhibit were all done by Wyland and appeal to the sense of wonder in all.
Sponsors of the exhibit are: The Thomas J. Long Foundation; Aqua Engineers, Inc.; HOH Utilities; Horizon Lines; Young Brothers, Limited; Kukui Grove Center; Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, Hawai‘i Tourism Authority and the County of Kaua‘i.