The Sierra Club of Kaua‘i has outings lined up for the next three Saturdays. On Sept. 1, the Hanalei River Trail is scheduled. Hike up the Hanalei River through a bamboo grove and enjoy beautiful views of the mountains. Organizers
The Sierra Club of Kaua‘i has outings lined up for the next three Saturdays.
On Sept. 1, the Hanalei River Trail is scheduled. Hike up the Hanalei River through a bamboo grove and enjoy beautiful views of the mountains.
Organizers warn that river crossings can pose difficulty for some hikers especially when the water is high. The trail can be muddy, but the beauty is worth it, according to a release. This is a moderate 6-mile round trip hike.
Call Sierra Club hike leader Boreas Van Nouhuys 639-3009 for more information..
Help clean up Kealia Beach on Sept. 8 and then enjoy the newly cleaned beach with a refreshing swim and picnic afterward.
Call Sierra Club outings leader Vivian Hager 822-3610.
The third activity will be a hike to Hoopii Falls on the Eastside on Sept. 15. The Sierra Club invites hikers to discover this little-known trail, walk along a river bed, climb higher through a forest, then down to view two waterfalls. This is a moderate 3-mile round trip hike. Call Sierra Club hike leader Vivian Hager 822-3610.