• Kaua‘i mayoral campaign finance reports • Televised debate was not equal time • Pigs more than meals • Putt-putts pay taxes Kaua‘i mayoral campaign finance reports Readers of The Garden Island might find interesting the content of the Kaua‘i
• Kaua‘i mayoral campaign finance reports
• Televised debate was not equal time
• Pigs more than meals
• Putt-putts pay taxes
Kaua‘i mayoral campaign finance reports
Readers of The Garden Island might find interesting the content of the Kaua‘i mayoral candidates’ campaign finance reports with the State Campaign Spending Commission. These are for the period July 1 to Sept. 5.
A quick summary of each of the four mayoral candidates reports:
Rolf Bieber had no reports filed. Apparently not raising nor spending significant funds.
Mel Rapozo raised in contributions $39,287.94 during this reporting period, and $56,142.94 during the whole election period. Mel’s expenditures during this reporting period were $31,629.11, and $39,646.21 for the whole campaign. Of Mel’s individual contributors, most are for a few hundred dollars each, only eight are for $1,000 or more, and those mostly seem to be from personal and past professional relationships.
JoAnn Yukimura raised in contributions $46,697.99 during this reporting period, and $59,327.90 during the whole election period. JoAnn’s total disbursements during this reporting period were $77,831.01, and $90,896.40 for the whole election period. Of JoAnn’s individual contributors, most are for a few hundred dollars each, only seven are for $1,000 or more, and of those six, seven seem to be from professional and past personal relationships.
Bernard Carvalho raised in contributions $102,562.41, all during this reporting period. Bernard’s total disbursements during this reporting period and whole election period were $90,387.43. Of Bernard’s individual contributors, at least 27 are for $1,000 or more. Those 27 contributors for $1,000 or more include six high-level county employees, nine resort/property/development related contributors, four labor PACs, two law firms, and assorted other businesses and individuals.
From these reports it should be clear Bernard Carvalho has a campaign finance advantage particularly from large contributors working for the county and some businesses. They appear to view Bernard Carvalho to be the heir apparent. JoAnn Yukimura and Mel Rapozo have not received these same number and kinds of large contributions; theirs have been smaller and more numerous, especially in JoAnn’s case.
To the intelligent observer/voter, this should say a lot about these candidates and their prospective administrations.
Please vote in the election today and on Nov. 4. The more voters the better.
Brad Parsons
Televised debate was not equal time
Yesterday’s letter to the editor regarding the KCC mayoral debate (“Televised mayoral debate was community service,” Letters, Sept. 19) raised a legitimate question regarding the editing of the event.
What appeared on Ho‘ike was actually the raw footage of a news story that I shot for KGMB 9. The person assigned to shoot the entire event for public access was a no show, so at the request of the sponsors, I provided an abbreviated version of the debate for local consumption. It was broadcast unedited and did not represent equal time to all candidates.
My apologies …
Terry Moeller
Pigs more than meals
Thank you for printing the article on the abusive practices found in the pig slaughter house in your Sept. 17 edition.
Unfortunately, the meat industry has done an excellent job of hiding the reality in these places to most meat consumers. Pigs are highly intelligent and sensitive creatures and hopefully more people will take this into consideration next time they choose their next meal thanks to you.
Paul Jacobs
Putt-putts pay taxes
This is in response to “Nearly run down on water” written by Monty Downs Sept. 18:
Just remember the crab fisherman putt-putts pay their taxes, too. I kayak daily in the Hanapepe River and some people are not fortunate to own kayaks, water skis, JetSkis, etc.
But like you said, they do pay their taxes, and I think that comment was not a nice one. Remember the putt-putts were probably here before you. I do agree that something should be done to monitor the situation, but don’t put people down. We are lucky we have the comforts we do have.
Bernadette Kali-Vea