Hats off to Keith Hornos and his in-laws, Bev’al and Layton Tani, for getting the tent system put up for the Kaua‘i High School air riflery range. Coach Melissa Nobriga said Kelan Adachi delayed his trip to the fair and
Hats off to Keith Hornos and his in-laws, Bev’al and Layton Tani, for getting the tent system put up for the Kaua‘i High School air riflery range. Coach Melissa Nobriga said Kelan Adachi delayed his trip to the fair and helped Keith put up the tents which will provide much-needed shelter from the sun (and rain) for the shooters at the Kaua‘i range.
Lyn Ratcliffe is already looking ahead to her angel display for the holidays. Funny thing, Michael Ratcliffe was just at the farm fair looking over the Obama campaign items and was talking about the holiday angels.
Lyn was helping at the Labor Day Breakfast along with other volunteers from the Lihu‘e UCC-UMC. Marlena Bunao (can you smell the cinnamon from the Kmart malasadas?) got pulled from the kitchen to help Tom Schreiber with the “magical interludes,” and Nina Saraos got a chance to eat breakfast this year, instead of only serving it.
And since Marlena was helping, Ron Clark got to take in breakfast before heading off to work.
Before we head off to KIF girls volleyball, hats off to Melissa McFerrin and her committee on a great job with the Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau Fair. Congratulations to T’Nille Reynolds on being the Super Star Kaua‘i 2008 (mahalo to Denise Roberts, Ron Wiley and Marc Valentin who are always up on fair events).
OK, ‘nuff said…time to figure out if it’s Waimea or Kaua‘i High for volleyball.