• Obama will work for all Americans • Seeing the big picture • Wading through the junk science • Great beans, hot or cold • Charity Walk a success Obama will work for all Americans I would like to respond
• Obama will work for all Americans
• Seeing the big picture
• Wading through the junk science
• Great beans, hot or cold
• Charity Walk a success
Obama will work for all Americans
I would like to respond to the letter, “Obama won’t help Hawai‘i, McCain will” by Ralph Winnie Jr.
First and foremost, people, start voting for what is best for your children. And not what is best for your own ego, or what is best for your feeling like you are on a winning team.
Voting is not the same as placing a bet on a ball game.
Mr. Winnie seems to think that the McCain-Palin ticket is aware of our key issues.
Really? That’s so funny that Mr. Winnie should say that because over the last 26 years that McCain has been in office that is what all of my friends here have been saying.
You know about how much McCain has always done for the people of Hawai‘i. And Palin, well, we all know how much she has done for Hawai‘i in the past.
Mr. Winnie also says as the leader of the only other non-contiguous state, Gov. Palin understands intimately the struggles of being isolated from the continental U.S.
Mr. Winnie also says a McCain-Palin administration would align with us on key issues of energy independence, an issue that will define our success for generations to come.
Much the same way as McCain was in touch with our economy? Saying that the economy was strong, right up to the speech by Bush asking for $700 billion?
Mr. Winnie also says our current administration has a direct line to both the senator and governor, soon-to-be president and vice president.
Governor Superferry (Lingle) will be out of office very soon, and the people of Hawai‘i will not want Part 2 of Lingle/Aiona.
Though we can be proud of our transplanted native son, I think the analysis of exactly what benefits his candidacy brings America is much deeper than just his birth certificate.
Obama will work for all Americans.
• Dennis Chaquette, Kapa‘a
Seeing the big picture
The bailout or rescue — take your pick — is totally unnecessary. We already have a mechanism in place to solve the tight credit problem.
It’s called the Small Business Administration. If the role of the SBA is expanded by executive order or congressional act, the money that is slated to be paid to banks for the bailout can be funneled into the SBA as needed, to provide the loans that the banks presently are reluctant to make.
The banks have lots of money, but you can’t blame them for tightening credit; they are scared stiff of not being paid back. The competition from the SBA will shake loose some of this fear and the banks will be more willing to eat some of the losses which they created in order to start making money again.
Both Obama and McCain need guys like me, who can stand back far enough to see the big picture, instead of being in the middle of it.
• Harry Boranian, Lihu‘e
Wading through the junk science
I suppose John Cragg, who also writes aka John Tyler, would like us to thank him for his sacrifices and altruism in fighting the evil Superferry (TGI Forum, yesterday).
I’m not sure how someone whose business is teaching swimming in Los Angeles half the year would financially benefit from the Superferry; but, we’ll take his word for it. It is more important to examine how his efforts have blessed those of us who “Live Kaua‘i” all year long.
His Web site is basically unchanged since a year ago. Nothing updated or reexamined except the addition of baseless speculation about the Superferry being a military conspiracy from start to finish.
What his gift to us has been is cherrypicked junk science and hysterical imagination based on poorly connected events in other parts of the world.
We can thank goodness that people we rely on finish graduate school and learn how to discern real science from the garbage out there.
As for me, I say, “John, no thank you.”
• Pete Antonson, Wailua
Great beans, hot or cold
Your Dutch oven story was right on the mark, except that it didn’t mention the most important advantage, a heavy lid which holds a certain amount of pressure.
If you buy a Dutch oven, make sure that the lid isn’t warped, but fits well.
Here’s my Dutch oven recipe for the easiest and best baked beans you’ve ever tasted.
Go to Costco and buy the eight- can package of Van Camp’s pork and beans for $2 (50 cents a can). Put four cans of beans in a Dutch oven with 2/3 cup ketchup, 1/3 cup molasses, and two tablespoons brown sugar. Mix well and cook on stove top stirring frequently until it bubbles, lower heat and cook off some liquid.
Put Dutch oven in 400 degree oven, uncovered for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and enjoy immediately. They’re the greatest, hot or cold.
• Harry Boranian, Lihu‘e
Charity Walk a success
While it’s a fact that these are difficult economic times for Kaua‘i’s nonprofit community service agencies, there are some reasons to be optimistic.
One of those is the success of the Visitor Industry Charity Walk. In spite of the economy the walk brought in more than $180,000 for Kaua‘i’s community service agencies. That’s a record and is to be applauded.
Congratulations to Doug Sears, board president of the Kauai Chapter of the Hawaii Hotel and Lodging Foundation; to Matt Humphreys, chairman for the Charity Walk, and all the volunteers and walkers integral to the success of the event.
On behalf of our boards of directors, staff, volunteers, recipients of services and supporters we express our sincere appreciation to the Visitor Industry Charity Walk for its support of our agencies. Good work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May future walks be as successful as this year’s.
• D.Q. Jackson, Executive Director, Malama Pono
Lori J. Miller, Executive Director, Kauai Hospice
Renae Hamilton, Executive Director, YWCA of Kauai