LIHU‘E — Brennon Morioka, the state Department of Transportation director, and Michael Tresler, senior vice president of Grove Farm Co., signed an agreement in which the state will purchase some 70 acres within the ‘Ahukini Makai portion of the Wailani
LIHU‘E — Brennon Morioka, the state Department of Transportation director, and Michael Tresler, senior vice president of Grove Farm Co., signed an agreement in which the state will purchase some 70 acres within the ‘Ahukini Makai portion of the Wailani Master Plan in Lihu‘e.
Tresler said the land involved is the area immediately outside the Lihu‘e heliport and extends to the tree line that marks the start of the Hanama‘ulu valley. The land is makai, or ocean, side of Kapule Highway on the Kapa‘a side of Ahukini Road.
The Wednesday agreement will allow both parties to continue negotiations and explore possibilities for the purchase of parcels of land that will allow for the future expansion of the Lihu‘e Airport, a release from the DOT states.
Additionally, this partnership will provide for expanded facilities for aeronautical businesses at the Lihu‘e Airport to include improved infrastructure, new water sources, and improvements to Kapule Highway.
The purchase price will be based on fair market value.
“This agreement and expansion of the Lihu‘e Airport builds on the Lingle-Aiona administration’s efforts to develop collaborative and innovative solutions to modernize Hawai‘i’s airports, harbors and highways to meet our state’s long-term transportation needs,” Morioka said. “It is also an example of the administration’s ongoing commitment to strike a balance between fiscal discipline and stimulating the economy and creating jobs.”
Manu Crabbe, the Lihu‘e Airport manager who was meeting with DOT officials, confided that the expansion would create a lot of new jobs.
“Grove Farm is aware of the limitations facing our existing island infrastructure,” Tresler said. “As a longtime kama‘aina company, we are pleased to be able to proactively work with the DOT to explore solutions that will address current challenges and improve our island infrastructure.”
Tresler added that expansion is in line with the Lingle-Aiona Administration’s economic stimulus package to create new jobs.
“This is the type of partnership which allows for creative expansion of airport facilities without placing a strain on our airport finances,” said Brian Sekiguchi, the deputy director of airports. “These are the times to reiterate the importance of moving forward to ensure we provide the necessary infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of both the traveling public and Hawai‘i’s airport system.”
Kaua‘i Mayor Bernard Carvalho was also present at the agreement signing and beamed his smile of approval.
“I believe that partnerships enable us to accomplish so much more than doing business independently, especially during these challenging times,” Carvalho said. “I commend the state DOT and Grove Farm for their collaborative efforts and short- and long-term vision in meeting the present and future needs of Kaua‘i.”