• Address Pihea Trail • Teach us about Hawai‘i • Green our KIUC Board • Play by the ‘home rules’ • Beware of this car scam Address Pihea Trail I read with particular interest the article outlining the DLNR work
• Address Pihea Trail
• Teach us about Hawai‘i
• Green our KIUC Board
• Play by the ‘home rules’
• Beware of this car scam
Address Pihea Trail
I read with particular interest the article outlining the DLNR work starting at the Kalalau Lookout this week (“DLNR begins improvements at Kalalau Lookout,” The Garden Island, March 13).
I was a visitor to your island last month and found it to be one of the most beautiful views on the island. I agree that work needs to be done here, but perhaps in other areas than the DLNR is planning.
During my visit, I was heartbroken to see the large amount of erosion along the first mile of Pihea Trail. This popular trail, starting near the Kalalau Lookout, offers amazing views as it wraps around the ridge of the Kalalau Valley.
Bad traffic control and bad stormwater management have compounded to make this trail a disaster, both for safety and ecological reasons.
I watched tourists, unprepared for the red, sticky dirt (due to recent rainfall), make matters worse by climbing in the woods and trampling vegetation in attempts to keep their footing (in flip-flops) or to keep their white sneakers clean and dry.
This behavior only continues the cycle of erosion as these once vegetated patches wear away to exposed soil. I hope that the DLNR plan somehow includes funds to address these issues before the trail is unpassable.
Proper traffic and runoff control are key. Even an educational sign warning of the slick conditions, how erosion can be prevented and the use of proper footwear would go a long way to help repair this devastated area.
Molly Deardorff, Everett, Wash.
Teach us about Hawai‘i
Hello! My name is Caitlyn J. I’m a fifth grader at WestRidge Elementary School in Harlan, Iowa.
We are studying the geography and history of our beautiful country. I would appreciate if you could send me some souvenirs, information on Hawai‘i or anything you would like. My teacher would like if you could send a car license plate, if possible. I really appreciate your time. Thank you!
Caitlyn J. , Mrs. Newlin’s class, West Ridge Elementary School, 1401 19th St. Harlan, IA 51537
Green our KIUC Board
Producing our electricity with fossil fuel accelerates disastrous global warming, pollutes our air and depletes our pocketbooks (as we recently and painfully experienced).
Let’s help make our state a leader in developing renewable sources of energy — wind, solar and water — instead of continuing to produce our electricity in old (or new), destructive ways.
If Kaua’i is truly to participate in the Hawai’i State Clean Energy Initiative, we need to elect a KIUC Board member knowledgeable in clean energy production, efficiency and conservation and dedicated to helping our energy co-op move toward a future that’s still green for our children and grandchildren.
Ben Sullivan has this knowledge and dedication. Let’s get some green on the KIUC board.
Eve Powers, Kapa‘a
Play by the ‘home rules’
Do you know that biotech/chemical companies are pushing a bill into law that would take away our individual, county and state rights to regulate the growing and experimentation of genetically engineered crops?
This bill, HB 1226, would be the equivalent of a GMO gag rule. It would preempt our right to “home rule.” We would lose the ability to restrict all activities surrounding GMO testing and production. This includes any hope of labeling trangenic food.
We have all seen the recent incidents where the federal oversight agencies, USDA and FDA have admitted that they are incapable of ensuring the safety of our food and medicine. Frustrated DOA agents have been prevented from inspecting imported containers at our docks because of a homeland security law passed in 2006.
Please urge our County Council and state representatives to protect Kaua‘i from being dependent on federal agencies to protect us. Even if our mayor and county do not care about harm from biotech experiments now, at least urge them to protect our right to enact future laws.
It is vital for counties to have self-governance and have the right to ask others to play by the “home rules.”
Jeri Di Pietro, Koloa
Beware of this car scam
I recently placed an ad to sell my 1988 Jeep. I received a call from AT&T relay (used for hearing impaired) and was given an e-mail address for a Tony Adams stating that he was interested in the Jeep and wanted some info.
I e-mailed the address with the Jeep info and received an e-mail back stating that he wanted to buy the Jeep. He said he would send me a check for more than what I was asking and for me to send the remainder of the money to his “Shipping Agent.”
I checked on the Internet and found that there are a few scams of the same nature and almost the same names involved. I e-mailed him back saying that I would need a cashier’s check or money order and that no money will be sent anywhere and the Jeep will not be released to anyone until the bank clears the check or money order.
If anyone receives anything even close to this, do not even reply it’s just another scam.
Peter Brun, Koloa