LIHU‘E — A tumble in the car took its toll on Allen Yamada. His Den. Aggregatum was en route to the Kaua‘i Orchid Society’s annual Mother’s Day Show and Sale at the Kukui Grove shopping center when it toppled. “I
LIHU‘E — A tumble in the car took its toll on Allen Yamada.
His Den. Aggregatum was en route to the Kaua‘i Orchid Society’s annual Mother’s Day Show and Sale at the Kukui Grove shopping center when it toppled.
“I tried to be careful, but I guess the more careful you are, the greater the chances it’s going to fall,” said Yamada. “I think my heart stopped when it fell in the car.”
Despite the mishap, the Den. Aggregatum was one of two specimen in the show to garner an American Orchid Society Certificate of Cultural Merit, a fairly rare award, at the show that opened Friday at the mall.
Similarly, Noel Brooks of Kilauea was caught in an early morning accident in Kealia while transporting his Maxillaria tennuiflora specimen to the show.
“We got stuck in some traffic and I was hoping it wouldn’t crash,” Brooks said.
That Maxillaria tennuiflora also earned a Certificate of Cultural Merit, topping its list of other awards including Best in Show where it edged out Yamada’s Aggregatum by just four points, Best Species and Best Flowering Specimen.
Yamada’s Aggregtum finished third in the Best Dendrobium-Yellow and second place in the Best Species, below Brooks’ tenuiflora.
“The CCM awards are hard to come by in Hawai‘i,” said Neill Sams of Orchid Alley who collected a variety of awards for their submissions. “On the Mainland, the judges are more free with the awards, but the judges here have seen it all and are a lot more stringent.”
A Dendrobium Memoria Ted Kondo earned Nancy Nakama the third American Orchid Society award, an HCC commendation, for her submission.
Nakama demonstrated her proficiency in the field of dendrobium with a sweep of the Best Dendrobium-Other class as well as collecting first place honors in the Best Dendrobium-Lavendar and Best Dendrobium-Yellow classes.
She added to that collection with second place honors in the Best Dendrobium-Lavendar and Yellow classes.
Eva Nishimoto swept all three places in the Best Nobile class and Luke Boyd earned a special award for his Phalaenopsis Hybrid.
But the phalaenopsis class belonged to Al Sugano whose work can be found weekly at the Koloa Sunshine Market when the plants are blooming.
Sugano, returning home after retiring from a career in Oregon, swept the Best Phalaenopsis class and added by taking top honors in the Best Cattleya-Other class with his BLC Hawaiian Style. His collection was bolstered with a third place in Best Vandaceous, a second place in Best Asco, and a second place in Best Paphiopedilum classes to round out the scoring leaders.
Orchid Alley swept the Best Miniature and Best Miltonia classes as well at getting top honors in the Best Other Genera, Best Oncidium, Best Epidendrum, Best Cattleya-Lavendar, Best Vandaceous, and Best Dendrobium-White where its specimen towered above the display, needing bamboo stakes to secure its towering spike.
The annual Mother’s Day Show and Sale continued through Saturday afternoon, offering shoppers not only a sampling of award-winning specimen, but specimen they could purchase for Mother’s Day today.
Growing Greens, a perennial participant in the show, added variety with its offering of some exotic anthurium, some known for its flowers and others for their foliage, as well as some varieties of begonia, again offering both flowering types as well as foliage varieties.
Kaua‘i Orchid Society
Mother’s Day Show and Sale
Kukui Grove shopping center
May 8-9
AOS Merit Awards
Den. Memoria Ted Kondo, HCC AOS, Nancy Nakama
Maxillaria tenuiflora ‘Noel Brooks,’ CCM AOS, Noel Brooks
Den. Aggregatum ‘Kawai,’ CCM AOS, Allen Yamada
Best in Show
Maxillaria tenuiflora ‘Noel Brooks’ CCM AOS, Noel Brooks
Best Dendrobium – Lavendar
Den. (Kasem White x Royal Colors), Nancy Nakama
Den. (Betty Goto x Wee Wee) xx Kauai Evening Song, Nancy Nakama
Den. Miyakei, Robert Wolaver
Best Dendrobium – White
Den. Lineale, Orchid Alley
Den. Jcqquelyn Thomas x Odon Unique Gem, Nancy Nakama
Den. Amethystoglossum, Allen Yamada
Best Dendrobium – Yellow
Den. Memoria Ted Kondo, Nancy Nakama
Den. Maritere Ramirez, Nancy Nakama
Den. Aggregatum, Allen Yamada
Best Dendrobium – Other
Den. (Uniwai Royale x Haleahi Lipstick) xx Marariki Blue, Nancy Nakama
Den. Karie Wakida, Nancy Nakama
Den. (Haleahi sunstripes x Canyon x Norma Jackson) xx HI Amber, Nancy Nakama
Best Nobile
Den. Oriental Smile Fantasy, Eva Nishimoto
Den. Orbain ‘Ace, Eva Nishimoto
Nobile Hybrid, Eva Nishimoto
Best Cattleya – White
C. Mossiae, Kaua‘i Orchids
C. Hybrid, Noel Brooks
C. (LC Modd Indiga x C. Gaskelliaya), Orchid Alley
Special Award
Phalaenopsis Hybrid, Luke Boyd
Best Cattleya – Lavendar
LC Irene Holquin ‘Brown Eyes,’ Orchid Alley
LC Irene Holquin ‘Brown Eyes,’ Orchid Alley
LC Maikai, Noel Brooks
Best Cattleya – Other
BLC Hawaiian Style, Al Sugano
C. Viola Sanjume x Rojo, Neill Sams
C. Viola Sanjume x Rojo, Neill Sams
Best Vandaceous
V. Dr. Anel, Orchid Alley
V. Mamuvadee x Coerview, Orchid Alley
V. Princess Mikasa ‘Sapphire’ AM/AOS, Al Sugano
Best Asco
Asco. Cherry Blossom, Allen Yamada
Asco. VIP Sum Wah, Al Sugano
Asco. John de Baise ‘Kano Kapoon,’ Orchid Alley
Best Oncidium
Colmanara Spacetante x Onc. Pirarfuse, Orchid Alley
Howeara Lava Flow, Orchid Alley
Colmanara Wildcat, Michelle Stokes
Best Epidendrum
Encyclia Nakagaki, Orchid Alley
Best Phalaenopsis
Phal. Brother Wickford x DTPS Valorie x Straw Sugar xx (DTPS Modern Beauty x Luchh Davis), Al Sugano
Phal. I-Shin Amy, Al Sugano
Phal (Sogo David x Ching Ruey’s Pixie), Al Sugano
Best Paphiopedilum
Paph. Philippineense, Allen Yamada
Paph. Somer Isles x Philippinense, Al Sugano
Paph. Philippinense x Toni Semple, Al Sugano
Best Brassia
Brassia New Start, Kauai Orchids
Brassia RFX ‘Sakata,’ Orchid Alley
Brassia Verrv cosa ‘Coos Bay,’ Kauai Orchids
Best Miniature
Coelogyne Confusa, Orchid Alley
LC Haw Yuen ‘Angel, Orchid Alley
Robiquetia Mooreana, Orchid Alley
Best Species
Maxillaria tenuiflora, Noel Brooks
Den. Aggregatum, Allen Yamada
Paraphalaenopsis Labukensis, Orchid Alley
Best Flowering Specimen Plant
Maxillaria tenuiflora, Noel Brooks
C. Mosseae, Kauai Orchids
Gram. Tiger Paw, Orchid Alley
Best Other Genera
Trigonidium eggertonianum, Orchid Alley
Jumellea Arachuantha, Robert Wolaver
Phaius Tankervilleae, Noel Brooks
Best Miltonia
Milt. Arnold Linsman, Orchid Alley
Milt. Hajime Ono, Orchid Alley
Milt. Hajime Ono ‘Maui Splash, Orchid Alley