Kudos to J Robertson, Jan Tenbruggencate, Ron Wiley and Mark Lewis on a great panel discussion on the news. Credit should go to Pat Griffin and the Lihu‘e Business Association (they have an August break) for hosting the free event.
Kudos to J Robertson, Jan Tenbruggencate, Ron Wiley and Mark Lewis on a great panel discussion on the news. Credit should go to Pat Griffin and the Lihu‘e Business Association (they have an August break) for hosting the free event.
Sharron Weber is gearing up for the golf tournament that will take the place of the meeting, and is already wondering who the next winner is going to be.
Hats off to Brandi Tacbian and the Parks and Recreation staff on a great Fun Day at Lydgate Park. Melanie Okamoto said the next program is when Winter Break rolls around in December. Sam Arashiro said the event used to be the time when the kids do the skits and talent show, but all of that changed to ‘Ohana Night that was held a couple of nights ago. The Fun Day is just that — fun!
This was a great chance to see all of the Parks and Rec leaders in one place, and hats off to Stephanie Miyasaki on a great job of coordinating the program.
Tab Matsumoto and Clyde Vito are so familiar on the KYBA basketball courts, sometimes you forget that they are Parks and Rec leaders, too.
Speaking of which, this is the final weeks to catch a glimpse of some great basketball featuring some of the high school players that have graduated, and some potential stars of the 2009-10 Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation season.
OK, ‘nuff said…it’s off to check out the Koloa Plantation Days parade.
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com
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