A relatively new sign near Queen’s Bath in Princeville warns visitors of the hidden dangers, especially when the surf is up in the winter on the North Shore. The natural pool on the rocky shoreline is a popular destination for
A relatively new sign near Queen’s Bath in Princeville warns visitors of the hidden dangers, especially when the surf is up in the winter on the North Shore. The natural pool on the rocky shoreline is a popular destination for tourists and residents alike. Nathan Eagle/The Garden Island
Join the sign watch
Handmade signs adorn the most random trees and poles, front yard fences and back way alleys around the island. Ranging from spraypaint on cardboard to stenciled letters on plywood, these local signs urge people passing by to take some form of action. Whether it’s slowing down or littering less, minding kids playing or stacking tires neatly, these signs of life ask for your cooperation.
• The Garden Island will be featuring some of these signs periodically in the paper. If you spot one that you would like to share with readers, e-mail a high resolution photo (200k or bigger) to copydesk@kauaipubco.com with “Signs of Life” as the subject.