•Legalize it •Kindness begins at home •Driving on Polihale saved my life • Don’t alienate anyone before a primary Legalize it Kudos for your outstanding editorial (“High time for change,” Forum, Oct. 25). The Obama administration made a great first
•Legalize it
•Kindness begins at home
•Driving on Polihale saved my life
• Don’t alienate anyone before a primary
Legalize it
Kudos for your outstanding editorial (“High time for change,” Forum, Oct. 25).
The Obama administration made a great first step. The next step should be the full legalization of marijuana.
Only fully legal products can be regulated by any government agency. Only fully legal products can controlled by any government agency. And only fully legal products can be taxed by any government agency.
Shouldn’t adult citizens have the freedom to decide what goes into their own bodies in the privacy of their own homes?
I think so.
Kirk Muse, Mesa, Ariz.
Kindness begins at home
Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way it’s animals are treated.”
This week on Kaua‘i, we witnessed several inhumane animal situations. A home close by with at least 60 dogs in small cages. The dogs looked extremely malnourished and dehydrated.
A nene on the Seacliff Plantation that had been chased by a dog and could not walk anymore. It had been tagged and we called the DLRM with the tag number.
Today on Anini Beach, local children with sticks were going after a mother hen with eight chicks, beating the mother and taking her chicks.
Listen up, whoever lives here and is doing this, wake up and stop the madness. Animals do not need to be tormented, starved, beaten or subjected to any kind of cruelty.
There is an old saying that children who torture animals grow up to be serial killers. Now, we would not want that, would we?
Kaua‘i is a beautiful island, let’s extend that beauty to the animals who inhabit this place.
Kindness begins at home and is taught by parents to their children.
Cecelia and Cliff Waeschle, Kilauea
Driving on Polihale saved my life
I am writing in regards to Sunday’s story, “Residents speak out about driving on Polihale Beach.” As a regular visitor to the area, I wanted to comment on some points brought up in the meeting.
For many years, the beach has been accessed by 4X4 vehicles, and this has let many families island-wide enjoy one of Kaua‘i’s greatest jewels in comfort. No need to walk for miles on scorching sand, hauling pop-up tents and carrying babies to the beach. Fishermen can have their gear easly accesable from their vehicle, and hauling out trash from a day at the beach is effortless.
I understand that a concern is the impact of vehicles on the shoreline ecosystem. If everyone where to park mauka and walk down, the impact will be on the dunes and the flora. Also, in the many hundreds of times I have been to Polihale, I have yet to see a single turtle on the beach. They seem to prefer the Makaha Ridge to Miloli‘i area.
The main reason I believe in keeping access open is for the safety of ocean users. My friends and I have saved countless lives of swimmers/surfers by driving up to the distressed, paddling out and rescuing them. Had driving on the beach been illigal, I would not be here today. I lost my leg to a shark at PMRF, and a vehicle was on the sand next to me within seconds, and I was en route to the hospital very quickly.
Mike Coots, Kilauea
Don’t alienate anyone before a primary
I was disappointed but not very surprised by Rep. Neil Abercombie’s column, “Where education begins” (Leading Voices, Oct. 20).
Instead of giving us his ideas for how to pull our state out of the current crisis in our public schools, he decided to give us a feel-good, long-term vision for “increasing equality from birth.”
Does Rep. Abercrombie not know that our children’s teachers are being furloughed during the next two years? And that this started on Friday? Does he not have an opinion on this hot-button issue, or how we can overcome it?
At the end of the day, I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised. Like any other politician, Rep. Abercrombie would rather talk about a pleasant, long-term idea that no one would disagree with than wade into any controversial issue that affects our daily lives right now.
It’s better not to alienate anyone before a primary, right?
Clara Oligo, Kekaha