Running a successful not-for-profit organization is not for wimps. It is a challenging task requiring knowledge and skills in multiple sectors such as organizational planning, public service, finance, fundraising, public relations, and volunteer management, not to mention knowledge in the
Running a successful not-for-profit organization is not for wimps. It is a challenging task requiring knowledge and skills in multiple sectors such as organizational planning, public service, finance, fundraising, public relations, and volunteer management, not to mention knowledge in the NGO’s service area. It requires the ability to blend many skills in a delicate balance to best accomplish the organization’s mission. Sound like a job for a superhero? Well, never fear. Help is as close as your neighborhood library where there are tremendous resources available to help. Book Buzz this week touches on just a few of the books available.
Happy reading.
The Board Book: An Insider’s Guide for Directors and Trustees
By William G. Bowen
658.422 Bo
A valuable resource for new or experienced board members in search of the most up-to-date information, this volume answers fundamental questions about why boards exist while offering solutions to the most vexing issues they now face.
Bookkeeping Made Simple: A Practical, Easy-to-Use Guide to the Basics of Financial Management
By David A. Flannery
657.2 Fl
This streamlined introduction to record keeping and accounting covers the complete accounting cycle and takes the mystery out of financial jargon. See also. Financial Management Handbook for Associations and Nonprofits by Craig Stevens.
Execution Plain and Simple: Twelve Steps to Achieving Any
Goal on Time and
on Budget
By Robert A. Neiman
658.401 Ne
The twelve steps provide specific guidance for increasing organizational performance for managers who need to overcome busyness, delays, diversions, and other barriers.
Forces for Good:
The Six Practices of High-Impact
By Leslie R. Crutchfield
658.048 Cr
The authors propose a shift in focus from building an organization to building a movement; from not only fixing problems but also reforming whole systems. And rather than getting bogged down in the extensive data collected, the lessons are carried by dramatic stories. Inspired and inspiring, this book can change the way the world works by changing how leaders think. It is written for nonprofit leaders, philanthropists, business executives, donors, or volunteers. See also The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of your Life and the Life of your Business by Yoram Wind.
Fundraising Basics: A Complete Guide
By Barbara L. Ciconte
658.15224 Ci
This overview of the field is for every beginning fundraiser or board member. Basics include giving trends, development personnel, fundraising plans, computer hardware and software, cost estimates, workflow timetables, and the use of the Internet for fundraising. For more than 100 local fundraising ideas see Fundraising 101: How to Raise Money for Your Club, Team or Organization by Hawai’i-based Donna D. Fouts. You may also be interested in Generating and Maintaining Nonprofit Earned Income edited by Sharon M. Oster or Made Possible By: Succeeding with Sponsorship by Patricia Martin.
Grassroots Grants: An Activist’s Guide
to Grantseeking
By Andy Robinson
658.15224 Ro
Learn the skills you need to raise money from grants and incorporate grants into a complete fundraising program in this latest edition. Learn to use grant proposals as organizing plans, design fundable projects, build proposals piece by piece and foster effective communication with funders. Also look for Models of Proposal Planning and Writing by Jeremy T. Miner or The Foundation Center’s Guide to Proposal Writing.
How to Motivate People
By Patrick Forsyth
658.314 Fo
In order to maximize results, according to the author, a team must want to do what is needed, and leaders must know how to motivate people. This book teaches you to devise an action plan to stimulate performance excellence. You may also want to use Bob Nelson’s 1001 Ways to Reward Employees.
Handbook to Building a Better World: How to Turn Your Good
Intentions into
Actions and Make
a Difference
From with
Stephanie Land
361.67 Id
From the world’s largest nonprofit networking website comes this practical and inspirational reference. Part career guide, part activist’s handbook, it walks the reader through ways to use your time, talent or treasure to translate idealism into action. See also The Practical Idealists: Changing the World and Getting Paid by Alissa S. Wilson.
Level Best: How Small and Grassroots Nonprofits Can Tackle Evaluation and Talk Results
By Marcia Festen and Marianne Philbin
658.4013 Fe
Evaluation at its best is about learning, not judging. The author provides a framework for thinking about evaluation and tools for measuring and sharing results in ways that are practical, efficient, and meaningful.
Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Practices and
By Peter F. Drucker
658.1148 Dr
Check out the latest edition of management guru Drucker ‘s groundbreaking and premier work on managing nonprofit organizations. He explains mission, leadership, resources, marketing, goals and much more.
Marketing for NonProfit Organizations
By David L. Rados
658.8 Ra
This book covers the entire field starting with explaining what marketing is and the role it plays in the nonprofit organization. He provides specifics on pricing, distribution, product and marketing communications and he thoroughly treats raising money and attracting and keeping volunteers. You can also try The Successful Marketing Plan: A Disciplined and Comprehensive Approach by Roman G. Hiebing Jr.
Starting and Building a Nonprofit: A
Practical Guide
By Peri H. Pakroo
658.048 Pa
This latest edition is filled with user-friendly information, practical advice and step-by-step instructions. It is your guide through the process of getting your nonprofit up and running. See also The Non-Profit Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Start and Run Your Non-Profit Organization by Gary M. Grobman.
• Carolyn Larson, head librarian at Lihu‘e Public Library, brings you the buzz on new, popular and good books available at your neighborhood library. Book annotations are culled from online publishers’ descriptions and published reviews.