• New revelations • HB444 is bad policy • Hot air New revelations How incongruous it is to read of those protesting HB 444 (legislation that would extend the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage
• New revelations • HB444 is bad policy • Hot air
New revelations
How incongruous it is to read of those protesting HB 444 (legislation that would extend the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage to partners in a civil union) and the following day celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday and all that he and the civil rights movement meant to an oppressed class of people.
It is particularly appalling to me to see persons claiming allegiance to the Christian faith striving against the civil rights of those whose sexuality may differ from their own. Somehow they claim knowledge of “God’s Will” based on a book whose canon was closed in the fourth century of our Common Era. They would deny that this deity had anything more to reveal in the next 1,600 years. Are we to cling to the medieval concept that we live in a three tiered universe with God in his heaven, man on earth, and the fires of the other one below? Are we to be guided by religious institutions that refuse equal status for women in their hierarchy and deny their ordained the right to marry? I would say, no way!
In the history of my own denomination (Episcopalian) we have denied civil rights to blacks (our members had slaves). Our women were denied the role of the ordained until the early ’70s, and our gay members, while always part of the ordained clergy, feared coming out of the closet until as recently as the ’80s. Thankfully, as new knowledge arose, we were able to adapt and realize that no human being should be discriminated against be they black, female or gay.
I am proud to say that my denomination has seen fit to consecrate an openly gay priest living in a committed relationship to be Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire. We have just elected a lesbian to be a bishop in Los Angeles. As time moves forward and science confronts us with new realities, we are willing to move from a first century view of the world into a 21st century view- utilizing all that science and technology have shown us.
My God did not stop revealing truth in the fourth century and I will continue to remain open to new revelations. I pray that Christians everywhere will treat each other with the love and respect and justice that Jesus demonstrated.
The Rev. Jan C. Rudinoff, Lihu‘e
HB444 is bad policy
In 1998, 69 percent of the people of Hawai‘i voted that marriage is between a man and a woman. Now, the so-called “Democratic” party is going against the clear will of the people in Hawai‘i, by pushing HB444 forward.
You would think they would have noticed the U.S. senator election on Jan. 19, which demonstrated that arrogantly ignoring the will of the people is not good for their party.
I have watched dear friends of mine, who practiced homosexuality, whither away and die at a young age from AIDS. This is heartbreaking, to say the least. It is estimated that over 300,000 men in the U.S. have died from AIDS, contracted through homosexual activity.
By now, AIDS has become a heterosexual disease in the U.S. However, it was primarily homosexuals who initially spread the disease. It is like someone driving drunk on the freeway, crashing, and causing a 25-car pileup. Afterwards, he says, “Don’t blame me! I was only one of the 25 cars in the crash.”
Homosexuals are not a separate race of people, in need of civil rights. Rather, they are just regular people making lifestyle choices that have a severely negative effect on their life expectancy, similar to smoking or alcoholism.
I suppose, by standing up for the majority, I will be labeled a “homophobe.” But I don’t dislike my homosexual friends. Rather, I dislike watching them die prematurely from AIDS, due to the choices they have made. On the other hand, maybe I should be a bit more fearful (phobic) of what kind of nasty verbal attacks I will receive for advocating the common sense of the majority.
Traditional marriage is the ideal way to bring keikis into the world. For those employers who want to support traditional marriage, let’s let them continue to do so, without being hijacked and forced to support a dangerous lifestyle.
Mark Beeksma, Koloa
Hot air
I read recently that scientists have concluded that 50 percent of the methane gas emissions in Argentina are produced by their large cattle herds. This amazing finding was achieved by strapping inflatable balloons to the cows derrieres and measuring the flatulence.
It occurred to me that perhaps we could do our part in the battle against global warming by strapping similar devices onto our politicians mouths and trapping the voluminous amount of hot air emanating from there.
Michael Wells, Kapa‘a