Three aces in two days dominated play at the Wailua Golf Course this weekend. Ross Kagawa, playing for 15 years, carded his second hole-in-one Saturday at the 173-yard No. 17 hole using his No. 5 Ben Hogan Hybrid. Matthew Shen
Three aces in two days dominated play at the Wailua Golf Course this weekend.
Ross Kagawa, playing for 15 years, carded his second hole-in-one Saturday at the 173-yard No. 17 hole using his No. 5 Ben Hogan Hybrid.
Matthew Shen of Honolulu, playing in the 14 and Under Junior Tour Series-Wailua, aced the 172-yard par-three No. 3 hole Saturday.
The Junior player in the Boys 11-12 division used a No. 4 Hybrid for his feat which Mary Bea Porter-King, president of the Hawai‘i State Junior Golf Association, described as a beautiful shot, the ball jumping into the hole.
Before the dust could settle from the excitement, Eli Pablo of ‘Ele‘ele picked up a hole-in-one at the 168-yard No. 14 hole.
Pablo, a production tech at Dow Agro Science, used a Taylor Made No. 4 iron for the feat, his first ace in 13 years of golfing.
Pablo, 60, was playing in the Westside Golf Club’s monthly tournament.