LIHU‘E — The Department of Land and Natural Resources will hold a public information meeting on Wednesday to provide information to the community about proposed rockfall mitigation improvements at the Kalalau Beach section of the Napali Coast State Wilderness Park,
LIHU‘E — The Department of Land and Natural Resources will hold a public information meeting on Wednesday to provide information to the community about proposed rockfall mitigation improvements at the Kalalau Beach section of the Napali Coast State Wilderness Park, a news release states.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center (8130 ‘Elepaio Road, Kekaha) to share details and answer any questions about the project for interested residents that could not attend the prior meeting.
DLNR anticipates starting the rockfall mitigation work in September 2010, providing all necessary permits are approved.
The project was initiated to address public safety concerns of imminent rockfall hazards around the Ho‘ole‘a waterfall area and the area above the sea cave at Kalalau Beach. Providing safe public access to recreational areas is a priority for DLNR.
The mitigation work will utilize manual rock scaling methods using ‘o‘o, crowbars, and compressed air bags to remove loose and unstable rock materials from rock shelves above these areas. No explosives nor heavy equipment will be utilized in the project area.
A meeting was held in Hanalei Elementary School on Jan. 21 to inform the Ha‘ena and Hanalei communities of the project.
For more information on the meeting or project call Division of State Parks O‘ahu administration office at (808) 587-0300.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in this meeting should contact Russell Kumabe, Division of State Parks, DLNR at 587-0305 no later than Monday.