LIHU‘E — Both sessions of training sessions on the state sunshine law (or open-meetings law) for members of various volunteer county boards and commissions filled up, according to a county press release and information from staff in the county Office
LIHU‘E — Both sessions of training sessions on the state sunshine law (or open-meetings law) for members of various volunteer county boards and commissions filled up, according to a county press release and information from staff in the county Office of Boards and Commissions.
Nearly 60 board and commission members along with county employees recently participated in a sunshine law training session conducted by Jennifer Brooks, staff attorney with the state Office of Information Practices (OIP).
The training was sponsored by the Boards and Commissions Office in partnership with OIP, the release states.
“The purpose of this training was to provide information on the open-government meeting process and the public’s involvement, which are matters that our boards and commissions have supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power (over),” said John Isobe, administrator of the Boards and Commissions Office.
“We are fortunate to have volunteers who are committed to doing a great job in their roles as board and commission members,” said Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr., adding that participants enjoyed the introductory course and are interested in learning more about the sunshine law.
Among the board and commission members who attended the training were: Dan Smith and Gabrielle Young with the Arborist Committee; Dennis Aquino and Craig DeCosta, Board of Appeals; Sally Motta, Board of Ethics; Roy Oyama and Leland Kahawai, Board of Water Supply; Dirk Apao, Patrick Stack and Jan TenBruggencate, Charter Review Commission; and Suzanne Aguiar, Civil Service Commission.
Also in attendance were: Larry Chaffin, Linda Fayé-Collins and Sandi Sterker with the Cost Control Commission; Steve Lupkes and Brenda Viado, Kaua‘i Workforce Investment Board; Gerald Matsunaga and Gary Pacheco, Liquor Control Commission; Lucy Miller, Mayor’s Advisory Committee for Equal Access; Theresita Kinnaman, Open Space Commission; Tom Iannucci and Jim O’Connor, Police Commission; and Charlie King and Sheri Kunioka-Volz, Salary Commission.
Among the county employees who attended the training were: Christina Pilkington, county ADA (federal Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator; Kealoha Takahashi, Agency on Elderly Affairs; Kim Hester and Eric Inouye, Department of Finance; Marween Ibanez, Oscar Portugal, Paul Togioka, and Samy Venkatsesan, Department of Public Works, Engineering Division; and William Eddy, Department of Water.
Also in attendance were: Alfred Castillo, Mona Clark, Michael Dahilig, Amy Esaki, Marc Guyot, Ian Jung, Justin Kollar, Andrea Suzuki, Mauna Kea Trask and Jennifer Winn, Office of the County Attorney; Daryl Date, Kaua‘i Fire Department; George Costa, Jan Miyamoto and Bill Spitz, Office of Economic Development; Imai Aiu, Ian Costa, Myles Hironaka, Ka‘aina Hull, Shanlee Jimenez, Leonora Kaiaokamalie, Nani Sadora and Leslie Takasaki, Planning Department; and Karen Matsumoto, Personnel Department.
Established in 2006 through a charter amendment, the Boards and Commissions Office provides administrative and operational support to the various county boards and commissions.
The office is also responsible for planning, developing and coordinating orientation and training programs for board and commission members regarding their powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under the County Charter.
Tentatively scheduled for June is the next training session for boards and commissions, to focus on the Uniform Information Practices Act.