Scott Bacon takes tires out of the Hanama’ulu Bay. As a service project for Earth Day 2010, Malama Na ‘Apapa, ‘take care of the reefs,’ organized a shoreline and reef clean up April 24 at Ahukini landing. The event was
Scott Bacon takes tires out of the Hanama’ulu Bay. As a service project for Earth Day 2010, Malama Na ‘Apapa, ‘take care of the reefs,’ organized a shoreline and reef clean up April 24 at Ahukini landing. The event was supported by divers around the island, Save Our Seas and Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School. Malama Na ‘Apapa is a nonprofit environmental organization founded to support the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration management program to preserve, sustain and restore valuable coral-reef ecosystems on Kaua‘i ( For more information contact Scott Bacon at or call 482-0683.