Dr. Monty Downs (no harmonica on Saturday) said he still has the photo of himself rescuing a shearwater from the football fields. Dr. Downs and Jim Jung were talking ocean safety at the Kids Summer Fest (got to see Moana
Dr. Monty Downs (no harmonica on Saturday) said he still has the photo of himself rescuing a shearwater from the football fields. Dr. Downs and Jim Jung were talking ocean safety at the Kids Summer Fest (got to see Moana Baltazar and Richard Stein with the keiki in tow) at the Kaua‘i Beach Resort.
Mahalo to the Kaua‘i Beach Resort staff for all that hard work: Kaua‘i Chamber on Thursday, Leadership Kaua‘i on Friday and the Kids Fest on Saturday! That’s a lot of work!
Hats off to Lani Yukimura, Heather Hopkins and New Sang on a great job with the Kids Summer Fest. It was a good thing Lopaka Bukoski had a previous engagement because we got Dr. Kalani Brady (he’s related to Lopaka so no worries) to help with the emcee-ing.
Dickie Chang and Bruce Smalling were going crazy with all those keiki and Kaua‘i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. took the opportunity to invite all those people to Saturday’s Mayor-a-thon in Kapa‘a. What time do we need to wake up?
Hats off to Harvey Maeda, David Tao and Jonell Kaohelaulii on another great Father’s Day car show!
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com.