Melissa McFerrin said The Right Slice is one of the success stories from the Kaua‘i Community Market that will enter its summer hours next Saturday. The market will be open from 9 a.m. to noon (to get out of the
Melissa McFerrin said The Right Slice is one of the success stories from the Kaua‘i Community Market that will enter its summer hours next Saturday.
The market will be open from 9 a.m. to noon (to get out of the heat) and Sandy Poehnelt of The Right Slice said the pie-by-the-slice is available at the market, or at the Hanapepe Art Night where she and her husband are usually by the Talk Story Bookstore (where you can always visit Ed Justus and Cynthia Powell).
Ariana Mancari selected her own slice of sugar-free coconut creme pie (at least one sugar-free variety each week); Sandy and Ariana’s mom were both surprised the young girl selected a sugar-free variety.
Happy birthday to Kelly Ball who was working at the market, Saturday!
Cathy Richardson had a summer tip for all the lychee — pop them into the freezer (skin and all) and later, enjoy a cold lychee snack in the heat of the day — hits the spot! Cathy was gearing up for the beets contest for this year’s farm fair — seeds gotta be in the ground by July 1.
OK, time to go check out the West Kaua‘i and Lihu‘e Mustang All-Stars for their playoff series in Hanapepe!
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or