Ron and Joy Kouchi were up early on Memorial Day, having morning coffee (light or dark roast?) at Seattle’s Best with their aunt from the Mainland. Ron went on to visit with Keith Amemiya whose son was playing with the
Ron and Joy Kouchi were up early on Memorial Day, having morning coffee (light or dark roast?) at Seattle’s Best with their aunt from the Mainland.
Ron went on to visit with Keith Amemiya whose son was playing with the Manoa Diamondbacks at the LBL Da Bash VI tournament. Kaua‘i coach Michael Tresler even stopped in to chat with Mr. Keith, and Winston Ogata (somebody’s team was en route to a championship in Las Vegas) was thrilled that Keith stopped to chat with him.
Mahalo to Jabba Garcia for the “slush” (“slurpee” sounds better) during the Sunday pool play…coach Ryden Domingcil was having the teri-beef plate and Chef Rafael Camarillo was balancing helping at Da Bash food booth and breaking down after the Aston Kaua‘i Beach at Makaiwa Hollywood celebration.
Norberto Garcia did a great job as master of ceremonies for the annual Memorial Day service, Monday. Captain Aaron Cudnohufsky and Miss Kaua‘i Veteran Natasha Abadilla were celebrating their last Kaua‘i service before they go their way…the captain moving on to a different base and Natasha heading to college.
And Natasha made the most of the holiday, getting up to the Kaua‘i Youth Basketball Association 12 and under girls basketball game where sister Athena (Spelling Bee champ!) was playing with the Westside Basketball.