When a writer’s life reflects well-being and wholeness, the handwriting will show a balanced display of feminine-masculine attributes and expression. The feminine qualities that will be noted are: willingness to receive, caringness, intuition, imagination, open-mindedness, along with generosity, emotional harmony,
When a writer’s life reflects well-being and wholeness, the handwriting will show a balanced display of feminine-masculine attributes and expression. The feminine qualities that will be noted are: willingness to receive, caringness, intuition, imagination, open-mindedness, along with generosity, emotional harmony, and rhythmic flow in the movement of the writing. The masculine counterpart will demonstrate effective use of will, determination, follow-through, endurance, as well as being decisive, organized, confident, and resolute. In each individual all of these qualities are significant for enjoying an evolving, holistic life style.
The English letter Uu, in its design, represents connection, visually appearing as two poles joined with one another. This unifying letter encourages you to acknowledge and develop all your attributes and powers into a dynamic whole.
The diverse components within the unity interact, working together to accomplish a defined purpose. This dynamic relatedness is symbolized by the cup-shaped style of the letter Uu.
The spirit connected with the letter Uu reminds you that unity begins from within. Through your commitment to be balanced and whole, the unity is eventually expressed outwardly. When this happens, latent powers are awakened and new creations take place. The left and right hemispheres of the mind are joined, and the heart pulsates anew now aligned with the universal rhythm of wholeness.
Handwriting reminder: In cursive writing each word communicates what is meant by “diversity within unity.” Each letter is singular, unique in its expression, yet related to the other letters in the word through the connecting links between each letter. Cursive writing, when conscious, promotes psychological unity in its distinct and connective movements. The potential for psychological and emotional well-being is in your hand.
• Angeline Welk of Princeville is a professional handwriting analyst. She writes this regular column for The Garden Island and maintains a Web site at ourlivingalphabet.com. She can be reached at alefangel@gmail.com.