• An undercurrent of ignorance • Build indoor, air-conditioned stadium • Take a look at KCCC An undercurrent of ignorance The letter to the editor by Donald Newman (“An undercurrent of lawlessness,” Aug. 2) is a classic example of someone
• An undercurrent of ignorance • Build indoor, air-conditioned stadium • Take a look at KCCC
An undercurrent of ignorance
The letter to the editor by Donald Newman (“An undercurrent of lawlessness,” Aug. 2) is a classic example of someone writing about something he has very little knowledge about and makes statements that reflect bias and ignorance that only serve to do more harm than good.
It is true that there have been a number of car break-ins over the past years but the 115 cases reported last year in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports is well below the other three counties and far below the national average especially when you factor in that we have nearly one million visitors each year. You are more likely to be victimized off-island than on the island of Kaua‘i.
His characterization of the “local police” as being inclined to look the other way when crimes are committed by “locals” only reflects his total ignorance of KPD operations and his own personal prejudice.
The members of the Kaua‘i Police Department under the direction of Chief Perry are dedicated to serving both the local and tourist population of Kaua‘i. They risk their lives every day to provide this community including Mr. Newman, a safe environment for all of us to live and enjoy.
As a former member of KPD I have personally witnessed the sacrifices and efforts put forth by each and every member of the department and their respective families for the sake of our visitors and residents alike. Each officer must endure intense training, rotating shifts, obnoxious suspects, dangerous situations, holidays away from their families, and ignorant comments from people like Mr. Newman who don’t appreciate all that they do, all within the ideals of promoting justice for all within the framework of our U.S. Constitution.
During my career I’ve been in numerous stakeouts hidden in mosquito-infested bushes enduring humid conditions for long hours in efforts to apprehend suspects who prey on both tourist and local vehicles alike. The practice of conducting stakeouts on tourist destinations still continues today and responsible criminals have been recently arrested by the police.
Furthermore, my fellow officers and I never made a distinction between locals and tourists, nor have I ever witnessed favoritism towards local suspects. As far as we were concerned, a criminal was a criminal. For Mr. Newman to insinuate that our police department values local mores more than the law smacks of racism on his part. Maybe the police department in his hometown where he grew up in may have exercised the practice, but he shouldn’t accuse the KPD of such practices without providing credible evidence.
It is ignorant comments like his that serve to persuade potential visitors to not visit our island thus having a negative impact on our economy which ultimately results in less funding for the police to better serve him and the rest of the community. Mr. Newman it’s easy to be in the cheap seats and shout out ignorant criticism, but it takes a real commitment and guts to serve on the Kaua‘i Police Department.
Miles Tanabe, Wailua
Build indoor, air-conditioned stadium
TGI letter, “Doctor concerned about daytime football” (July 31) was exactly my point in one of the TGI forum letter I wrote (but never got printed) couple of weeks ago. However, I’m glad that Dr. Rick Goding’s made the forum. It had some of my concerns being heard. (mostly for seniors and high school football fans who enjoy going to the games) I suggested also in my forum letter (which never got printed) that maybe we should build a semi-indoor stadium. But now on second thought build a complete indoor stadium with air-conditioners using the sun to power them (the air conditioners and light) and in this stadium all three high schools could play their games during the day.
On another note, TGI letter, “Mayor weighs in on stadium lights,” July 30, 2010. I’m glad that the mayor is being a role model for our keiki by upholding the law of saving the Newell’s. But before he wrote his letter to the forum maybe he should have consulted a doctor for a professional opinion.
Especially for being a former football player with concerns.
Then in another TGI letter by Mr. Arruda, “Newell’s are plentiful on an island you viewed on National Geographic” (“Where would world be without shearwaters? July 23).
Yes you’re absolutely right, our Newell’s might have “H” or “K” on their chest (tee hee hee. I’m laughing with you!).
Prevent injuries to our high-school athletes before it happens by preventing heat strokes from playing games at noon. Also, protect the high-school football fans from the scorching hot sun, too!
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele
Take a look at KCCC
An undercurrent of lawlessness. Donald Newman’s letter of August 2 to the GI regarding property crime (“An undercurrent of lawlessness”) states that, “The ‘local police’ and ‘local justice system’…look the other way. They do not want to disturb the ‘local’ population nor deal with the potential ‘backwash’ of arresting the ‘local boys.’ Locals are consistently given a free pass when it comes to crimes against tourists or Mainlanders.”
Obviously, Mr. Newman has never driven past KCCC (Kaua‘i Community Correctional Facility) and observed the ethnic make up of those incarcerated.
Unfortunately, most look local to me!
The Rev. Jan C. Rudinoff, Lihu‘e