Hooser appointed to Office of Environmental Quality Control
LIHU‘E — Gov. Neil Abercrombie on Tuesday announced his appointment of former Kaua‘i state Sen. Gary Hooser as the director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control.
“I’m honored that the governor would choose me for this important position,” Hooser said. “The OEQC is a key office that helps protect the environment in Hawai‘i.”
The Wailua resident said he will start work immediately as an interim director, since his position is still subject to Senate confirmation.
Hooser served on the Kaua‘i County Council from 1998 to 2002, and then as a state senator from 2003 to 2010, when he stepped down for an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor.
“There’s no question that environmental protection is important to people all over the state, but especially to people on the Neighbor Islands like Kaua‘i,” Hooser said.
The OEQC is a Department of Health office which implements the Environmental Impact Statement law. Office planners review and comment on hundreds of environmental disclosure documents each year, according to the DOH website.
Twice a month, OEQC publishes The Environmental Notice, which announces the availability of environmental assessments and impact statements under public review. The public can review and comment on projects listed in the publication.
The Environmental Notice also publishes for public reviews Federal Consistency Reviews, Special Management Area Permits, Shoreline Certifications, Federal environmental assessments, habitat conservation plans, safe harbor agreements, incidental take licenses per the federal Endangered Species Act, and other notices.
OEQC staff also provides support to the Environmental Council regarding management and amendments to the administrative rules and exemption lists, and the council’s annual report.