Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge will celebrate the 98th anniversary of the Kilauea Point Lighthouse Station from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 7. This year’s theme — “The Restoration Has Begun!” — supports the current restoration of this historic
Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge will celebrate the 98th anniversary of the Kilauea Point Lighthouse Station from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 7.
This year’s theme — “The Restoration Has Begun!” — supports the current restoration of this historic structure. Lighthouse Day is an annual event that commemorates the completion of the Kilauea Lighthouse on May 1, 1913, a news release states.
Highlights of this free event include: natural history talks, interpretive walks, and activities for keiki. The Kilauea Lighthouse served as a pivotal navigation aid for ships on the Orient run; however, time and the harsh tropic marine environment have taken their toll on the lighthouse and the associated historic buildings.
Phase l of the Kilauea Lighthouse restoration is currently underway, which includes the area adjacent to and including the gallery walkway to the very top of the lighthouse. Major accomplishments so far include: Protecting the 2nd order Fresnel lens; Rehabilitating the entire cast iron roof including the ventball and finial; Repairing the lantern sill connection systems; Repairing the cast iron and bronze lantern room, including the glazing (in progress); Re-establishing the lightning protection system; Opening all the blocked vents and registers at the lantern sill; Removing the concrete blocks and installing operating cast iron vents to match the original vent details at the watchroom level, just below the gallery.
The next major phase (Phase 2) of the restoration is tentatively scheduled for late summer/early fall 2011 and will entail restoring concert and metal components of the remainder of the lighthouse below the gallery walkway down to the base (inside and out).