• The tyrannosaurus in the room • Build a drug treatment center in our backyard • Pillaging Earth at our peril • Rethink Afghanistan The tyrannosaurus in the room How many wars should America be fighting? How many nations are
• The tyrannosaurus in the room • Build
a drug treatment center in our backyard •
Pillaging Earth at our peril • Rethink
The tyrannosaurus in the room
How many wars should America be fighting? How many nations are attacking America? How many foreign military bases does America need to be considered the most powerful and ambitious nation in human history?
The answer to all those questions is zero. The true strength of a nation lies within its borders. And, there is no doubt that America possesses more military power and weapons of mass destruction than all of the nations of human history, combined.
America is armed to the teeth and it can defend itself from any enemy without having over 1,000 military bases in foreign countries all over the world.
The greatest threat to America lies within its own borders, in the nation’s capitol. The military/industrial complex is devouring most of the national budget, while it creates the targets it needs to satisfy its voracious appetite for destruction, greed, power and control of the planet and it’s resources.
Since WWII, America pretty much created and nurtured terrorism in the world, with political assassinations, coups d’etat, support of brutal dictators, pre-emptive strikes on helpless countries, nuclear holocausts, genocidal embargos, chemical warfare, torture, wanton murder, massacres, rape and pillaging, etc…The arms manufacturers, dealers and their pimps in Washington now have just what they always wanted, a world-wide potential killing field, where the prospect of endless wars will keep them rolling in the riches and power they crave. And, they have a friend and willing participant in the White House. And, the profiteers and stockholders of those corporations walk among us.
As the president and Congress decide which domestic programs to cut, in order to fuel their runaway train, the nation is reeling from huge numbers of unemployed, underemployed, underpaid and homeless workers. As America gets dangerously close to full-on economic meltdown, the mainstream media tells us that we only have two choices, the Republican plan for cutting domestic spending, or President Obama’s plan for cutting domestic spending.
The corporate media doesn’t say that the largest special interest in Congress (80 members) have put forward the only realistic budget on the table, the People’s Budget, proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
The proposal will cut military spending and end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all the other countries we are currently drone bombing, infiltrating and destabilizing. It will create a budget surplus by 2021, protect the social safety net, and put America back to work. Here, you can check out the link for the People’s Budget: http://cpc.grijalva.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=70§iontree=5,70
It’s up to We the People to get up off the couch, and to actively participate in our own destiny. Think of what we are leaving to our Children and future generations. We built it, we can fix it. If we don’t stop the insane military madmen and bring the war dollars home, Americans won’t have much of a nation to defend, or a future world to live in.
Fred Dente, Kapa‘a
Build a drug treatment center in our backyard
If it is your child who needs to be treated from drug abuse, wouldn’t you want a treatment center for him/her?
Should it matter if it’s in your backyard?
We should learn from sending our inmates to the Mainland. They are treated with prejudice, they are being beaten by correction officers, some are denied medication, and most of all it is hard for families to visit their loved ones.
Sending these adolescents away to O‘ahu or Maui sends a message that, “we just don’t care for them and won’t help them.”
Don’t let outside paranoid influences stop us from building a drug treatment facility for our adolescents in our backyard.
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele
Pillaging Earth at our peril
Warm thanks to Brian Gray on us older “wasteful generation” (Letters, April 15).
True in many other respects we were wasteful. Our grace was we did it in ignorance. And with the conditioning that it was endless and like a commodity.
Today’s science has proven otherwise the knowledge and proof of our destructive habits to the Earth are everywhere. One can not avoid knowing this. No excuse.
Yet today we still treat the Earth as a commodity. We continue to pillage at our peril .
A far greater sin than abuse under ignorance.
Ray Holmes, Kapa‘a
Rethink Afghanistan
Now that you’ve finished your taxes, it might be a good time to see where your money went. All citizens — whether left, right or chartreuse — should be demanding a better return on their “tax investment”.
I was appalled to discover how much I personally paid for the Afghan War. As the Tea Party always says, its my money, I know what to do with it better than the government.
You can calculate your share here: rethinkafghanistan.com/iou
John Zwiebel, Kalaheo