• Clarifying YWCA issues • A sign of the Times • Adopt a Parkneeds funding Clarifying YWCA issues The YWCA of Kaua‘i has been providing services for our island community for the past 90 years. Our mission of eliminating racism,
• Clarifying YWCA issues • A sign of
the Times • Adopt a Parkneeds funding
Clarifying YWCA issues
The YWCA of Kaua‘i has been providing services for our island community for the past 90 years. Our mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all is reflected in our work to end domestic and sexual violence on Kaua‘i. In order to fulfill this goal, it is vital that the YWCA works in partnership with other agencies, organizations, and individuals that include a spectrum of; Federal Departments, State Departments, County Departments, Judicial Departments, Medical personnel, and other Non-profits. In a recent Garden Island article, dated May 17, the reporter referred to one source of funding the YWCA receives thru the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney (OPA), specifically, VOCA (Victim of Crime Act) Funding.
It was correctly stated in the article by numerous sources; the Office of the Attorney General, OPA, and the YWCA Executive Director that this funding is restricted to only providing direct services to victim(s) and that the YWCA is the sole agency that meets state standards in providing these specialized services for the Kaua‘i community. There is also a proven history of the YWCA being granted this funding for over 10 years for these specialized services, long before the current personnel in OPA, AG office, County Council, and the YWCA was ever involved. In regards to the question of Councilmember KipuKai Kuali‘i, who is also a part-time employee of the YWCA, being present for the OPA budget review meeting, there is some additional information about the VOCA funding that was not included in the article.
Every year, VOCA funding starts with the Federal Government and the Federal Government is on a different budget timeline than the County of Kaua‘i. The current OPA contract for VOCA funding to the YWCA began Oct. 1, 2010 and ends Sept. 30, 2011. The County Council had to approve the current OPA VOCA funds in 2010, Councilmember Kuali‘i was not on the Council at that time. New VOCA funding, if it survives all the Federal budget cuts, will not be up for approval until later this year. The OPA budget hearing being referred to in the article covered only County funding, funds paid by Kaua‘i residents through property taxes, etc. The OPA budget hearing did not include any State or Federal funds in that discussion or decision making.
It is in everyone’s best interest that all laws and ethical standards are followed. The YWCA provided Councilmember Kuali‘i the information he requested soon after he was sworn in so he could work with the County Attorney and Council Services staff to identify potential areas of conflict. We have full confidence that the County Attorney, Council Services staff and Councilmember Kuali‘i were able to make the correct decisions based on the information we provided. We also provided all the information requested for The Garden Island and suggested corroboration from the AG office and the County Attorney. If any comment or opportunity for corroboration from the County Attorney was requested, it was not included in the article.
The YWCA appreciates the partnerships the agency has, and applauds all the hard work from each individual that shares our goal of making our Garden Island a safer and healthier home, free from domestic and sexual violence.
YWCA Board President, Emiko Meyers
YWCA Executive Director, Renae Hamilton, Lihu‘e
A sign of the Times
‘Big Save’ Kapa‘a is my favorite grocery store for numerous reasons and I feel saddened that Times supermarkets will be taking over the ‘Big Save’ chain of stores, commencing this coming July. I guess this is a sign of the “TIMES.”
‘Big Save’ has the friendliest cashiers, when plastic was still available for bagging groceries the clerks would double bag me without even asking since they knew I ride a bike and didn’t want the bags to possibly break on the ride home.
I frequent the Kapa’a store since I never buy a lot of groceries at once, there’s only so much one can haul on a bike, therefore I made it my business to check on an almost daily basis for red tag specials. There is usually yogurts marked down to between ten to fifty cents, 5 lb. bricks of cheese for $1.00, Hebrew National hot dogs for $1.00, Pillsbury quick bake muffins for $1.00, large packages of cold-cuts for $1.00 and just about any item that may be about about ready to expire is discounted on a daily basis.
I have walked out of that store with retail values of $80.00 that I purchase for less than $10.00. , hence the name “Big Save!”
I hope ‘Times’ will keep all the current employees and continue with the Big Save tradition of Aloha, community and ‘Big savings.’
Hopefully this will be a smooth transition not only for Big Save employees but for the people that considerer ‘Big Save’ their Ohana.
May Big Savings continue with the sign of the Times!
James “Kimo” Rosen, Kapa‘a
Adopt a Parkneeds funding
The County Adopt a Park Program concept is a great idea. Tourism is our economy.
Unfortunately, The County Adopt a Park program is presently out of money.
Our South Shore Parks are suffering now, and the Volunteer Manpower is ready to work toward beautification, but we need supplies.
It is understood that The County Adopt a Park program started with an annual budget of $13,000, and has been reduced to $4,000, which has already been spent for this year, according to Eddie Sarita.
Adopt a Park needs immediate consideration.
We are suggesting that the Adopt a Park program be awarded an emergency fund of $5,000 to $10,000, for Needs Assessment and Volunteer Park Beautification supplies.
It is also suggested that Annual Budget appropriations be adjusted to at least $20,000 annually if not more.
We would be happy to speak on behalf of this Volunteer request for the present Council Budget Hearings.
Janee M. Taylor, Coordinator for South Shore Adopt A Park Volunteers, Koloa