LIHU‘E — The Kaua‘i Lagoons Golf Club presented Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. with a check for $1,300 Thursday, earmarked to help the people of Iwaki City, Japan with its relief and recovery from the March 11 earthquake and resulting tsunami.
LIHU‘E — The Kaua‘i Lagoons Golf Club presented Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. with a check for $1,300 Thursday, earmarked to help the people of Iwaki City, Japan with its relief and recovery from the March 11 earthquake and resulting tsunami.
“We know the Kaua‘i Visitors Bureau has a long-standing relationship with Iwaki City, Japan,” said Scott Ashworth, Director of Golf for the Kaua‘i Lagoons Golf Club, in a cover letter accompanying the gift. “The town of Iwaki City received significant damage from the Honshu earthquake and tsunami and its people were evacuated due to radiation concerns over the Daiichi power plant.”
Ashworth said Marvin Terada, former Outside Guest Service Supervisor who is now the Front Desk Manager at the Kaua‘i Marriott, spearheaded the relief effort with Ricky Brun, the Kaua‘i Lagoons starter.
Terada is Japanese-American and his wife was born and raised in Japan, Ashworth said.
“We have others who work at Kaua‘i Lagoons who have direct ties to Japan as well,” the PGA director of golf said. “Walter Kinoshita’s wife was also born and raised in Japan, Walter being in the Kaua‘i Lagoons Outside Guest Service. We all felt the need and calling to do something to assist.”
This call to action was reinforced when Terada’s brother-in-law, a resident in Japan, spoke of how bad the situation was in areas with no food or water.
Ashworth said Kaua‘i Lagoons’ staff decided to ask guests visiting the golf facility to help with this fundraising effort with Brun playing a critical role in asking guests to help out.
“Through an effort of true volunteerism demonstrated by our incredible guests, Kaua‘i Lagoons was able to raise the $1,300 which we are happy to donate to Iwaki City,” he said. “We are proud of our Kaua‘i Lagoons ‘ohana for stepping up — especially Marvin and Ricky.”