The snuggle factor is a crucial element in raising a happy keiki and having a happy family. Smooches, snuggles, and cuddles are meant to be capitalized on. I was so happy to become a mom and finally have my own
The snuggle factor is a crucial element in raising a happy keiki and having a happy family. Smooches, snuggles, and cuddles are meant to be capitalized on. I was so happy to become a mom and finally have my own little snuggle buddy.
In Hawaii there is a famous bumper sticker that says “Have you hugged your keiki today?” Think about it, as a baby in the belly our keiki are continuously being hugged and snuggled. In fact, there is not much room for anything else! Then they are born into this wide open space. “We must be snuggled,” they sometimes scream!
Feeding baby and putting baby to sleep are two of many various ways we can really cuddle in and snuggle up with our keiki. I love how my son will put his legs and feet up and all snuggled into my belly when I lay down to nurse him. We both often fall asleep this way and it is sweet snuggle dreams from here on out!
My keiki spends his nights in our bed with my husband and I. He is now 9 months old and we have been sharing a bed and snuggles since he was born. It hasn’t been a problem, in fact it has been a real enjoyment. I get sleep at night because it is easy for me to turn over and nurse him when he wakes up hungry, and my husband enjoys waking up to his smiling face. As a couple it has been an adjustment but we still find time for cuddles and hugs throughout the day to make sure we get our quota from each other.
Many people have differing opinions about a babies sleeping and eating habits. Setting times, forming a sleep habit or pattern, and having a regimented schedule are often among the well meaning advice I receive. Some will assure you that your baby can sleep all night without eating, sleep in his own bed, or put himself to sleep. I say…do what comes natural to you as a mother and as a family. If I hadn’t heard of any of this, or never read any “expert advice” in parenting books, I’d probably be doing what I am already doing today. I’m not saying that I am right and others are wrong, all I’m saying is to do what comes natural to you as a parent and not what someone else tells you, unless you need some advice on a matter. Just be sure to choose your battles wisely, don’t swim to hard against the current, be sensitive to your babies needs, and keep snuggles a priority.
• For more insight and inspiration in raising happy keiki, go to