Bridge club results for Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Members of and visitors to the Poalua and North Shore Duplicate Bridge Clubs play at 9 a.m. every Thursday at Sun Village behind Wilcox Memorial Hospital.
This is the oldest bridge club on the island, and visitors are always welcome to play.
Play starts at 9 a.m., so players should arrive by 8:45 a.m.
Results of the four-table Howell bridge game on Thursday, April 12, are: First, Patti Moore and Sheila Honeywell; Second, Lenda Helser and Patty Ficker.
To find a partner or for more information, call Jane at 826-9753 or Betty at 245-1994.
The Sunrise Bridge Club plays ACBL-sanctioned bridge at 9 a.m. each Thursday (open game) at the Princeville Community Association Building.
Results for Thursday’s (April 12) pairs games are:
First, Loring Harkness and Francine Donahue; Second, Roger Ward and Kimberley Ward.
The Sunset Club plays an open game at 1 p.m. each Saturday at the Princeville Community Association Building.
Results for Saturday’s (April 14) pairs game are:
First, Kimberley Ward and Roger Ward; Second, Earl Reeve and Janet Kinney.
These long-established clubs sponsor friendly and competitive duplicate bridge for island residents, visitors and vacationers. For playing partners or information, call Ann at 826-9091.
The Tuesday Dessert First Bridge Club has been meeting (and eating) on Tuesdays for 24 years on Kaua‘i.
The bridge results for April 10 are: First, Linda Sanders; Second, Jo Ellen Chenoweth.
If you are interested in hosting and playing Chicago scored bridge, contact Lenda Helser at 828-0609.
Members of the Ka Haku o Hawai‘i Bridge Club play at 9 a.m. each Monday at the Princeville Community Building.
The bridge results for Monday (April 16) are: First, Jane Nearing Go; Second (tie), Lisa De Rock and Kim Ward.