• A burning issue • It’s a plain, with some birds • A good trip • Defend our rights • Is the beach big enough? • Two questions for Kaua‘i • One word for Kaua‘i • Tourism pays the
• A burning issue • It’s a plain, with some birds • A good trip • Defend our rights • Is the beach big enough? • Two questions for Kaua‘i • One word for Kaua‘i • Tourism pays the bills • What’s the motive? • Don’t forget D-Day
A burning issue
My friend’s neighbor used to burn Hau bush cuttings and other dry brush weekly. He would then use the ash as part of an organic compost for gardening. Last weekend, while visiting my friend, we were suddenly engulfed by a roaring diesel engine and an ear-piercing shriek.
It was a wood chipper grinding up a couple of months worth of what used to be burned, squirting the remains into another gas-powered truck to be hauled off to somewhere else to be composted. It was an intrusion to the serenity of the day; I nearly choked on my beer.
It may be heretical to ask, but I wonder if the fuel that was needed to complete the entire transaction was more of an imposition on terrestrial purity than burning the stuff would have been? It was certainly more expensive.
Some guidance from a disciple of environmentally correct dogma would be sincerely appreciated.
Russell Boyer, Hanalei
It’s a plain, with some birds
This is in regard to TGI front page story, “DLNR seeks comment on Mana Plain,” May 29, 2012. Why did they hold a meeting on the eastside (Puhi) first? Isn’t Mana Plain on the Westside?
It’s a good idea to restore that area and then some. Make it so that people can walk through and see some of the plants and birds for a small fee.
It’s hard to enjoy and appreciate the plains from behind a fenced area on side of the highway. There is a lot of land there to build a small gravelled parking lot for what is mentioned above.
Let’s make it a little more attractive for the far Westside of the island.
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele
A good trip
My wife and I have just returned from a short — way too short — visit to your city and island. I must say two words: thank you. The hospitality and the outgoing nature of those we met and had dealings with will be a fond memory. I know that we are “just tourists,” but you all made us feel so welcome. We will return, hopefully for a longer visit. Again, thank you.
John Goldsmith, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Defend our rights
America’s political holy days are upon us. Last week, the Hawai‘i Democratic Party Convention, passed without discussion, a resolution in defense of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Be it resolved that all duly elected officials representing the people of Hawai‘i shall defend the constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizens of the state of Hawai‘i, including any and all infringements by U.S. federal authorities.
Be it further resolved … the much-dreaded path to totalitarianism is unavoidable should the several states of the Union fail to defend their citizens’ rights of worship, and to post reasonable bond while awaiting trial.
Who then, among our patriotic representatives, will defend citizen Roger Christie of Hilo, who has been held in federal prison in Honolulu since July 8, 2010 without bail for practicing his religion? During this time, others charged with rape and murder are granted bail, while non-violent Reverend Christie remains in captivity.
Tomas Belsky, Hilo
Is the beach big enough?
In response to the letter from the Rev. Christine Kube: I hope you can understand that I mean this in the kindest possible way.
Was the beach not big enough for both ceremonies? Were time constraints such that they couldn’t have been performed one after the other? I wonder what their response might have been if you had approached them with a sincere wish to perform your ceremony without disrupting theirs? Please try to imagine how things may have turned out differently if you had had love in your heart, instead of a permit in your hand.
Gayla McCarthy, Waimea
Two questions for Kaua‘i
1. Who was the guy that was Jay Leno’s sidekick for years and suddenly seemed to have disappeared? He was much too much of a talented guy to just disappear. Did he die or did Jay have him whacked?
2. Why would TGI discontunue the Saturday edition when myself and others only walk to the mailbox that one day we have off from work to get the newspaper? The questions remain.
John Glover, Kalaheo
One word for Kaua‘i
From the Hawai‘i Lodging & Tourism Association, there’s just one word: Mahalo.
Mahalo to everyone who participated in the 2012 Visitor Industry Charity Walk on the island of Kaua‘i and who contributed to raising a record $1,371,817 statewide for charity.
Mahalo to Kaua‘i Charity Walk chair Denise Wardlow, whose leadership was absolutely vital to the success of the event.
Mahalo to the hotels and generous sponsors who donated the food and beverages, provided the entertainment, and gave money for this annual endeavor.
And a big mahalo to the members of the community, whose involvement and support made for another unforgettable Visitor Industry Charity Walk. Your aloha will be returned when the money we raised is invested in the community through the Hawai‘i Lodging & Tourism Association’s grants to non-profit charities on the island of Kaua‘i.
Mufi Hannemann, President & CEO, Hawai‘i Lodging & Tourism Association
Jerry Gibson, 2012 Chairman, Visitor Industry Charity Walk
Tourism pays the bills
A June 5 headline in The Garden Island is “Boom in Tourism Restores Jobs.” I think we can all pretty much agree that tourism drives the ecomony here on Kaua‘i and all the islands. When tourists come, they frequent all the businesses that supply the jobs, whose employees in turn spend their dollars into our island economy as well as pay taxes. This is what makes our little world go round.
So I fail to understand the disparaging letters in this column regarding the Kaua‘i Marathon. Some have said that the influx of marathon visitors benefits only a few businesses. Tourists are our life’s blood, and the Kaua‘i Marathon brings in a huge number of visitors. And many of them will return again and again once they’ve had a taste of this beautiful place we call home. The money they spend is the same as any other tourist dollar spent on Kaua‘i.
Treating the visitors well and making them feel appreciated and welcome is a good thing. They (and many of us are former tourists) are necessary to maintain our economy. So be careful what you wish for, because without visitors there won’t be any county money to allocate for marathons or anything else. It’s not a simple matter of saying that certain tax dollars could be better spent in another way. It’s about making sure the dollars keep coming in. Aloha.
Gayle Hughes, Kalaheo
What’s the motive?
Sundays at Black Pot are also being invaded by unpermitted commercial tour boats. When the county is ready to issue the required SMA permits for this use of our public places, no Sunday or holiday activities will be allowed. Those running now know this and are showing their true motive, greed, by disrespecting our community just to make every possible dollar before the rules take effect. We will remember which companies have shown respect for our families and which have not.
Makaala Kaaumoana, Kilauea
Don’t forget D-Day
How do we honor the memory of approx. 416,000 American troops killed in World War II?
Wednesday was June 6, which most people know is the anniversary of D-Day. On the first day, approximately 5,000 American soldiers died on the beaches of Normandy, France.
There was absolutely no newscast mention of it, and our President ignored the anniversary completely because he was doing something more important, namely attending a fundraiser in California.
Let us not forget all of the Americans who gave their lives for our freedom.
Cliff Waeschle, Kilauea